Chapter 11 : Night talks

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Daisy just finished her call with mom and cut the call going outside. She noticed someone was sitting on the table between the tents scrolling on the phone who looked up at daisy.

"Hey..." daisy replied noticing she was stella and sat in one of the chairs in front of her.

"Hello" stella replied to daisy putting her phone down.

"It's a little chilly, isn't it ?" Stella asked daisy as she saw daisy rubbing her hands who chuckled and nodded.

"How is your time going here so far ?" Asked daisy initiating a conversation.

"Pretty good than what i expected, what about you ?" She asked.

"I am having fun !! You know exploring new things like surffing and all." Daisy said remembering her day.

Stella hummed nodding her head, "hey, can i ask you something ?" She aksed slowly leaning a little towards daisy.

"Sure, go ahead." Daisy replied. "Is something going on between you and lucas ?" She asked trying to be careful with her words.

'Is it too obvious ? Even kai asked me the same thing in the morning.' Daisy thought before asking stella, "why would you think so ?"

"I mean... like lucas tries keeping an eye on you all the time. You two seem to be uncomfortable with each other but not like literally 'uncomfortable' but akward maybe, does that makes sense ?" Stella tried explaining daisy the best. Daisy just stays dumbfounded while trying to figure out stella's observation.

Daisy went silent for a moment that made stella panic,"no, actually i was just curious... you don't need to tell me if you don't want to..."

"No, it's not that..." daisy said signing letting her gaurd down as she starts speaking, "actually let me tell you a secret, i kind of had a crush on lucas and i confronted him with the same two months back. But he said that he didn't want to date me or anything he just wants to focus on his studies for now. So we went back to our normal friendship. But things gets awkward sometimes, you know ?" She said explaining what had actually happened between lucas and her.

"Oh ,that's unfortunate. But do you still like him ?" She asked sympathizing with her.

"Well... i still do feel giddy and butterflies in stomach when i talk to him or something, but the spark is not same as before maybe beacuse i now have some sense of control over my feelings and i know that this isn't gonna go anywhere. So slowly slowly i think my heart's door is closing for him." Daisy replied accepting her fate and destiny that's it's nowhere near lucas.

"That's deep !! I feel jealous, you are sorting out your emotions and feelings so well." Stella replied laghing a little.

"Lucas is being nice to you though, isn't he ?" Stella asked a little smiling at daisy.

"That's his nature. Being nice. He's nice with everyone or if that's not the case maybe he just feels guilty of rejecting me and trying make himself feel better by making me feel better." Daisy said shrugging as she knew that there's no way lucas have or had a crush on her.

Stella looked at her phone, "we should sleep now it's pretty late." She said standing up and both daisy and stella went to their tents sleeping peacefully under the warm covers.

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