Drinking frabreeze

20 0 1

Whittys pov

The smell of frabreeze filled the room as I was playing Mario Kart with Sarv and Carol, beating them of course before the smell got to over powering and I turned to look behind me and I saw ruv on the couch with a bottle of frabreeze open up and he was   DRINKING IT.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING THAT CAN KILL YOU?" I say, startled and worried for my friend (and / or lover)
"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger," ruv says with a deep rumble, filling the room
"SARV, STOP HIM," I tell sarv
"Don't worry, he does this all the time," sarv says as she looks at the tv
"Wait, he's doing what," Carol says, interrupting my panic
Sarv turns around and grabs the can from ruv in response. ruv grabs another one from behind the couch
"I thought I told you to stop doing this," sarv says plainly
"заткнись, мне пора" ruv says in a language I have yet to learn.
"You know what last one of the day," sarv says, walking to the cabinet and putting the cans away.

           Time skip

It is now later that night, and Carol and Carol are sitting on the clean couch
"So you like ruvvv," Carol says to me
"What do you mean I don't like him, hahahah?" I say nervously, laughing.
From the corner of my eye, I thought I saw someone walk to the cabinet it must be really late for me to see something that's not real.

Ruvs pov

"That was close," I say, grabbing a can of frabreeze for the cabinet and running to my room

This was my first time doing this, and I plan on doing more if not for you, but for me also I will not do smut as I am a minor but I will do kissing and blood/slash murder

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