My Past

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Mikasa is 3 in this chapter

(Madara POV)

I walked in to the house where I left the Sages granddaughter.

I walked in to the house an they smiled the man pointed to the staircase I nodded and walked up the stairs. I got up their and opened the door I saw a girl crying in the corner of the room she was a mess and so was here room. I walked up to her and bent down. She had tears marks all over her face.

She looked in to my eyes I said to her. "I'm here to take you to my hide out." She stood up and fell back some and hit the wall she was shaking and her hands were shaking that proved it.

I walked out the room and she flowed me when we got down stares her adoptive mom said. "Well well I'm finally getting rid of you stupid girl." Then she walked off.

Mikasa looked at me and said shyly. "W..ill take of me." I held out my hand for her to take and said. "If you give me what I want I'll be nice if you don't then I won't."

She had a little smile on her face and grabed my hands and said quietly. "Thank you what's you name." "I am Madara Uchiha." Her hand was lose she's skin and bone she has a green tan top on with orange shorts.

We got to the his put I showed here to Zetsu and told him to bring her to her cell.

(Mikasa POV)

I so scared what is going on I don't under stand I even scared of my self I don't understand anything I can see the future a the past but no one else can I don't want to scare people I scared of my own talent, what is wrong with me.

(Flash back)

My dad was talking to my mom as I was bring them their tea my dad said. "So my mom is sick." I said to him. "She's going to die." Some how I saw what was going to happend to her. "What you say about your grandmother! your sleeping out side tonight!" My dad yelled at me.

(Flash back over)

I looked up and saw a man half of him was wight the other half was black. "Go on he wont bit unless I tell him." Madara said putting a hand behind my back and shoved me a little till I was in front of him. "Come on let's go." Said the weird thing. Madara told the man. "Zetsu don't eat her unless I say so under stood." "Yes Madara." Zetsu told him and we walked off.

We got to my cell and Zetsu said to me. "In, well cal you when we need you." I walked in the room and turned around and faced him a put my hand on my arm and said. "Please do you have anything to eat." "I'll ask Madara about food for you." He said and walked off.

I looked around my cell their was a rock which was probably a seat and a rock bed they was hocked to the wall in the corner I'm calling that a bed I sat on the rock bed till Zetsu came back.

Some one came to me and said. "Hers your food." I looked at her she had purple hair and a origami flower in her hair she asked me after she slid the food from under the doggie thing. "Did your parents ever eat you your sink and bones." "I get the left overs it was not much but it was alright." I told her. "You pore thing eat up but don't choke Madara will kill me if anything happened to you."

My eyes widened he cares about me I ran to the food and stated eating away it was the best food I've ever had I don't care if it was just bread and an apple it was amazing.

I've been here for a few days now, and I was laying in rock bed that's what I call it, and Zetsu came in and said. "We need you now." I walked out the room and I was sent in to a room with a desk and Madara was on the other side of he table.

"Have a seat." He said I sat down and said. "Thank you for the food you have been giving me and for the rock bed." "Hm I didn't give you a bed?" "Wait the rock in the corner is not a bed, well I've never seen a bed so I don't know." "I wounding how your parents treat you." "My food was the leftovers and in my room the only thing I had was an carpet and some note books to draw with." "Well I'll ask Kona to get you a few note books to draw on so you have something to do and maybe a toy or two." He said crossing his arms I asked him if Kona was the girl with purple hair and he said yes.

"Now Mikasa I have a question for you you know the boy Naruto Uzimaki." "I've herd the name in my dreams but that's all." I told him and he told me. "You should know that the people you were with were not your real parents." "I knew it their was something weird about them they look nothing like me."

I've been told to come twice a week to be integrated by Madara or some one else named Pein.

Kona gave me a doll and a horse she plays with me some times and she draws with me two I love having her for company she dose it sercet because she's not spoused to be in my cell so I only get about 5 minutes with her when she brings me my food once a day.

I was being integrated by Madara today.
"Well then Mikasa if you won't give me the information their ill force it out you." "I don't know Madara."

He went in to my mind and he put chains around me and some how my eyes turned and the chains were on him then my eyes turned back.

I was back in the room I looked at Madara and said. "I trusted you I thought you were my friend." "Why you think you were my friend." "Because you were nice to me." I said tired. "I only gave you that stuff to play with so you sound get bored and so I won't here you crying for toys to play with." "But no one has ever done that for me, you gave me what I thought was a bed my first toy pulse food the best food I've ever tasted." "Thant doesn't make me your friend."
"I'm sorry but it's just you seemed so nice." I said. Kona walked in to the room. "Mikasa needs to rest something wrong with her charka she's not well." "Fine take her back to her room do what ever is needed to heal her."

Kona put a blank over my wile I was laying on a traditional bed in Japan their mats just thing mats third all right it's the only thing I got to being close to a bed.

Today I'm being integrated by Pein today.

The real Pein walked in to the room with the human path the human path put a hand on my head and he went in to my mind and they weren't his eyes but purple eyes with rings appeared in front me and I was sent back to the room and the human path of Pein flew in to the wall. The real Pein stood up and said "what did you doing." "I didn't do anything I don't know what happened I swear." I put my hand in front of me and He flew in to the wall. My eyes changed aging for a second and I fainted Kona ran in to the room to check on me.

(Madara POV)

I was out side the room looking through the glass and said. "Her mother is protecting her even now and her grandfather is watching over her to make sure her destiny is fulfilled her destiny to kill me and restore peace to the Shinobi world."

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