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3rd POV

It had been an hour since the last update, but everyone was far too tired to stay awake worrying. There wasn't a soul still awake in the waiting room, they were far too exhausted. 


3rd POV

An unknown Doctor walked into the room and over to the Iida's family. He lightly shook Mr. Iida awake lightly.

"Mr. Iida, I'm Dr. Adachi, I have news on your son." The Doctor attempted to whisper, but those few words seemed to jolt everyone awake. 

"Is he alright?!" Mr. Iida answers, slightly frantic.

Dr. Adachi seemed unfazed by the outburst.

"He's out of surgery, and is asking about someone, but his anesthesia was so strong that he won't give us a name." The Dr. Responded.

"Maybe we can help with that." Momo said in a soft voice.

"She's right, we spend almost every waking hour with him." Deku agreed.

" And we're his best friends! He tells us everything!" Uraraka adds.

The Dr. Sighs.

"The young man is asking for his boyfriend, he claims that his proposal was cut short, he didn't get to ask and now it might be too late. We can't get him to tell us what he remembers or if he was talking about the other young man he was with." Adachi explains.

"Iida's gay? Kero." 

"Woah, I didn't know the class rep swung that way."

"Him and Kacchan are always at eachother's throats."

"They got into a fight today though."

"Then why were they together?"

"That's enough, children." Mic finally said, to stop more of their rambling.

Mic sighs and stands up, Midnight with him.

"Tenya was going on a date...with Bakugo Katsuki. Shouta had walked in on them in a," There was a brief pause as mic softly chuckled, "questionable position. He came by the teacher's dorms to ask if him and Katsuki to leave campus and go on a date. They told their classmates that Aizawa was forcing them to spend the evening together as a punishment and left out the window to avoid being seen."

"That doesn't explain the proposal thing though." Midnight says, quietly.

"Yes, it does. Tenya was talking about someone he was absolutely in love with and how one day he would marry them, wouldn't tell me who though." Tensei tells the group.

During this conversation 1-A is listening, shocked that their class rep and class brute could be anything more than absolute enemies.

"So he IS talking about the young man in the room next to him." The Doctor finally clarified.

"It seems so." Mr. Iida claims, finally speaking.

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