Chapter 11- We Are Family

Start from the beginning

After having breakfast, Sam asked her sisters to looked after her daughter while she and Mon talk with their parents.

Mon and Sam is sitting in front of Mr and Mrs Anantrakul

"Dad, Mom, I am sorry for what I did in past, Now I am asking for your forgiveness. From now on, I will try my best to be a good human being." Sam said

"You are Sam, you are good at heart" Her mother said
"No Mom, you said like that because you love me. But I want to be best version of me because of her"
Sam said looking at Mon

"Dad, Mom I am sorry for what I did, but believe me. Now I got the reason to love, to live. I will be good.
Dad, as for your question yesterday, Mon and I talk about it and we concluded that we will get married soon, as our daughter is growing up"

Her parents smile from ear to ear
"Oh Samanan, I am very happy." Mr Anantrakul said then looked at Mon

"I like you Mon, I know you are too good for my daughter, but please guide her, I know you are quite younger than her, but she act like a child, please guide her make her a better person, I know you can do that"

"Dad, I know Khun Sam is a good person, she helped me when no one is there for me" Mon said

Sam smile, Mr Anantrakul just nodded his head

"We are very happy for you two, come let me hugged you my daughter and my daughter-in-law" Mrs Anantrakul hugged Sam and Mon
"God bless you two"
The parents give their blessing.

Mr Anantrakul said, he will arranged everything for the wedding, and asked them not to worried for anything.
He said he will look a good, auspicious day for their wedding.

After hearing good news, her sisters congratulate them. While leaving Sam's sisters asked them to call and update about the wedding.

After saying goodbye to the family, Sam came back with Mon and her daughter. As of Sunday, they spend their time at home. Watching movies, playing games..

Little Sam is sleeping on side of their king size bed, on other side, Sam back hugged Mon. Her hand is creasing Mon perfect belly.
From time to time, she kissed Mon head. Sam doesn't want to leave her hand from Mon's body in any condition. She tangled her leg with Mon's, and rub her feet against Mon's.

"Baby, your skin is so soft, like honey"
Mon smile

"Yours too, Khun Sam"
"Mon, can I say something "
"Yeah you can say anything"
"Please don't call me Khun Sam "
Mon turn around and looked in Sam eyes,

"Then ??"
"Call me something, that indicate we are close. Khun Sam, it's like we are not closed"

"So, what you want me to call you"
"Anything??" Mon asked
"Then, Ok .. I will call you Phi"

Sam widen her eyes,
"What?? No?"
"You said anything "
"Not that kind, other kind"
"Then Bro"

"Hahaha Baby" Sam laugh, Mon put her finger on Sam's lip
"Shhhhh, our daughter is sleeping, And you said you want me to call you anything"

"Yeah, I am sorry, I didn't make it clear. Please call me something like lovers call eachother uhhmmm for example, Babe, Baby, Darling, Honey, Sweetheart, ummm Teerak, unnmm love, Dear, you can choose from that"

Mom act like she is thinking hard, then she move towards Sam's ear
"But I want to call you something, other than that "

Sam forgot how to breathe, her whole body got goosebumps, she gulped, her member got harden, she press her leg together.

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