Chapter 2

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*the next day

*at the station

* Tim was in Wade office as Wade went to New York to see his daughter

Chris : heard about you being in the big office
Tim : something I can help you with
Chris : Lucy told you about us having problems
Tim : she might have mentioned something
Chris : I want to show you something *grabs a box and opens it
Tim *it's a ring
Chris : you know her taste you think she'll like it
Tim : it's nice
Chris *puts the box away puts it in his pocket
Lucy : what's nice
Chris : uh I've found a house so we can live in babe anyway I'll see you later *kisses her cheek and leaves
Tim : how's the break up going
Lucy : I'm in the planning stages I'm just reviewing the literature
Tim : literature Lucy a psychologist Journal isn't going to tell you how to break up with Chris just invite him to your office and ask for his playbook quick and easy
Lucy : play bill
Tim : playbook when you get kicked off the team you have to turn your playbook it's a metaphor
Lucy : no it's cruel I'm gonna handle it my way
Tim : if you're having second thoughts
Lucy : I'm not
Tim *smiles at her : good
Lucy : I'll see you later *walks out

*Lucy and Aaron are riding together she's been quiet ever since

Aaron : you know you haven't said anything since we pulled out
Lucy : I'm just thinking about things
Aaron : I'm a good listener
Lucy : uh yeah I I need to break up with Chris
Aaron : finally
Lucy : what
Aaron : look he's a good dude and all but nowhere near your level
Lucy : I just don't know how to handle it you know I don't want to hurt him
Aaron : okay well let's act it out if you've rehearsed it then it'll be a breeze
Lucy : okay um the process of buying houses together has made me think of some things
Aaron : wait hold on time out time out your buying you're buying a house together yikes
Lucy : that is not helpful
Aaron: you're right I'm sorry
Lucy : as I was saying
Aaron : yeah
Lucy : okay Chris it's not fair that we moved in together when I'm having this much hesitation and you're such a great guy you know you deserve someone who is sure of all of what are you crying
Aaron : I'm sorry it's just
Lucy : it's okay
Aaron : I thought that everything that we've been thought together like this meant something
Lucy : what are you doing
Aaron : I'm changing Chris's pain
Lucy : what
Aaron : you need to be prepared for an emotional response okay let's take it from the top this time I'll go the angry road
Lucy : no
Aaron : yes

*radio goes off someone in blue he left his car keys in the car Aaron went to go and get it

*they got the keys and they knew it was his car

*they went back in the shop and they got called a drunk person punched someone Lucy and Aaron arrested him and took him back to the station Lucy did the paper work Aaron did the pictures

Lucy *sees Tim I finish the paperwork and I walk to see Tim
Chris : Lucy
Lucy *turns around : uh what you doing here
Chris *goes on one knee : since we meet I've fallen in love with you and I can't stop thinking about you when I wake up when I go to sleep I'm in love with you will you marry me
Lucy *looks at him sees Tim he's walking away : Chris no
Chris : what
Lucy : I'm not in love with you I'm sorry
Chris *gets up and runs away
Angela : well that was embarrassing
Lucy : yea

* Lucy walked away she caught up with Tim

Tim : I heard what happened you turned him down
Lucy : yea I did you already know who I want
Tim : oh I know
Angela : Bradford we need you

*Tim went to Angela

*end of shift

*at Lucy's apartment

*knock at the door
Lucy *answers it : Chris
Chris *walks in : you want to tell me why you turned me down
Lucy : Chris this isn't working I need your playbook
Chris : your breaking up with me seriously it's Bradford ain't it you love him
Lucy : Chris please just
Chris : don't worry I'm leaving *leaves the apartment

*Lucy grabbed her stuff and left the apartment and went into her car and drove to the station

*at the station

*Lucy parked the car and went in the station sees Tim in wade's office

Lucy : hey how's it going
Tim : counting the seconds till grey returns what are you doing back
Lucy : I broke up with Chris
Tim *stands up : how did he take it
Lucy : let's just say he wasn't pleased so did you have something you wanted to ask me
Tim : I can't remember
Lucy : don't make me hurt you
Tim *steps forward : do you want to go out on a date
Lucy : yea I do

*they looked in each other's eyes and they smile

*hope you liked this chapter

* chapter 3 be out tomorrow

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