the land of princess and fat ass

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**princess kenny slowly walks down the halls her purple dress dragging across the floor, her hand on there sides getting to a door at the end of the hall slowly pushing it open to see king Stuart and grand wizard cartman talking.**

**Grand wizard cartman talks to king Stuart soon he sees princess kenny walk in her hands on her sides and sit next to her father, her legs crossed while sitting**

Grand wizard cartman says to king Stuart - it would be a lovely political way within the marriage and it would make our two kingdom that haven't gotten along for years have some sort of royal alliance..!

King Stuart says to grand wizard cartman- within the powers of our kingdom we have never seen a reason to make alliance with your kingdom or simply care about your royal bloodline.....!!!

**princess kenny injects**

Princess kenny says cutting them both off ih there muffled voice - I wish to marry grand wizard cartman well the alliance with help our kingdom very well in the future with our harsh winters and if we get an economic loss..

**king Stuart sighs and rubs his face and soon slowly pulls out his hand for a grand wizard cartman to give him a pouch of gold coins and grand wizard cartman passes him the gold coins and soon shakes his hand after.**

**grand wizard cartman smile slowly turns into a sadistic grin and soon a couple hours later he's holding princess kenny hand while leading her inside of his carriage**

Grand wizard cartman says slowly and slightly creeply "princess first or i must say future queen"

**princess kenny slowly steps into cartman carriage her heel making a clink sound while stepping in and sitting down and there legs crosses nicely**

**soon cartman quickly goes into the carriage making it tilt a but until he sits down making the caring not tilt princess kenny giggles at the sight and cartman blushes**

Cartman says a bit angered by princess kenny laughing at his weight *"why you mustive laugh at me as if no of your holes can be deflowered!"*

**princess kenny huffs teasingly and crosses her arms not looking at cartman**

**the ride to the castle was slow and felt like hours but soon the couch men finally stoped at the castle making the horses stop the sound of there hoofs stopping against the dirt**

(First chapter also this is like my first time writing fanfiction since like uhhhhh 2022 so yeah kenman ALSO ITS NOT A PROSHIP FUCK YIU SHSJH ALSO IF YIU SHIP KYMAN FUCK YOU anyways thanks for reading dears :3 also i dont own like any of this)

(First chapter also this is like my first time writing fanfiction since like uhhhhh 2022 so yeah kenman ALSO ITS NOT A PROSHIP FUCK YIU SHSJH ALSO IF YIU SHIP KYMAN FUCK YOU anyways thanks for reading dears :3 also i dont own like any of this)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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