Just knowing the fact that I didn't get to run this plan by her made me feel like I was hiding things and being sneaky and that didn't sit right with my spirt whatsoever.

I feel dirty just from them touching me.

Before i could make it up the stairs a familiar face stepped in front of me blocking the way confidently. Isn't this the girl who works with Asia?  Summer or something..i think that's what her name was. She was dressed in a all back skin tight and red heels. Tacky.

What the hell is she smiling in my face for..

"You know if you want good time you could've just asked me." She spoke loudly over the music.

I-Is she flirting with me?

"Um. Absolutly not" I squinted my eyes at her and began to walk off before she moved in my way again.

Ok bitch..

"What? My skin not dark enough for you?" She laughed whole heartly like something was actually funny.

Is she serious?

I stared at her blankly "Aren't you Asia's friend?"  I raised a eyebrow. And why is this bitch even mentioning skin color?

I'm finna slap this hoe.

"Um kinda.." She tilted her head confused

"Why does that matter though? I just seen you with two bitches all over you and I know for a fact I look better than them" she twirled her blonde hair around her index finger—batting her lashes.

"Plus Asia said herself  and I quote.." She unlocked her phone in her hand and looked at the screen  "fuck that nigga—so its free game at this point." She shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

Hold on, what?

And I'm not even going to acknowledge that she just said that word right now.....

I snatched her phone out her hand to see what the fuck she was talking about.

"Heyy thats my pho—"

"Bitch shut up"

I cut her annoying ass voice off and put my hand up to silence her before reading the messages.  This was in fact Asia's Instagram account and she sent that message not even five minutes ago. I read the messages above and my heart dropped.

No. No No.

What the hell did she send???

"Fuck did you send her?"

"Whattt? Whats the big deal?" She whined like a child and stomped her foot.  

"I'm sure she couldn't handle you anyw—" I grabbed her by the throat tightly with my right hand watched as panic flashed in her eyes, i didn't care. I pulled out my gun from behind me with my left hand and placed it in the middle of her forehead.

I could tell from her body language she understood now that i wasn't fucking around.

"Walk." I whispered in her ear and pointed to the top of the stairs with the tip of the gun and pushed her neck away roughly making her almost fall over—she quickly turned on her heels to walk up the stairs. I pressed the metal  harshly into her lower back so she could feel it.

I could see her body shaking in fear as she walked up with caution ever so slowly, I could tell she was trying not to make the wrong move. We reached my office doors in no time, I  turned the knob and opened it from behind her. She stood in place, I could tell she didn't want to go in. Her back was facing me but i could tell she was crying from the way her shoulders trembled.

Nothing Like The Rest | 18+Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt