💥Chapter 2💥

Start from the beginning

"yes, why?" I asked, The masks used to knock out potential prey are specifically calculated to ensure they don't wake up.
Though we did have more prey than usual.

"They woke up while i was preparing them for the drop" akira visibly shook something from his mind, glancing back at me, "Sorry to have questioned you, it was probably just the mask malfunction." akira exclaims.

He patted my crown again as he turned to leave.
Something was bothering him, it could just be that the ooman woke up, but he seems confused, and frustrated.
Perhaps he saw something in the ooman that me and karrigan did, or he discovered something... new.
Either way this hunt is sure gonna be a entertaining, the test worthwhile, with the extra oomans, and new participants there is a guarantee of fun times ahead.

~Roxy's Pov~

Roxy is now falling from the sky.

The air around me is moving so fast, I can't tell which way is up or down, the noise is deafening, it hurts everything hurts.
I flip again to see the ground, it's getting pretty fucking closet!

Just as i'm entering the tree line, a parachute opens on my back.
A bit to late i might add!
Branches and vines whips at my body as i was falling.
I landed with a loud 'Thunk' and landed on my stomach. What a day for me.
Gasping for air, i rolled over and look up at the tree's, "Where in the actual fuck am i?" i asked myself.
The trees seemed to be tall, the air was warm, and i could almost swear i saw two moons on my way down here.
But that's just the shock... Right?

There's a weird vest strapped to me, it apparently looks like to be the parachute, but it looks odd.
There are designs all around and a screen in the front.
The straps came off easily as i stood on my very wobbly legs.
My gut started to hurt, really badly, checking under my clothes i saw bruises of every colour, "Just wait till i get my hands on those blasted twits", But the bruises wasn't life threatening, "So they get a pass for that.", but it still hurt like hell.
I checked my pockets to see if I still had anything, I was relief that they didn't take my weapon, But there was something else, a necklace?
It was all black with a flashing red dot over the charm.
It felt like the same material as the vest, but no matter how i tugged or even attempt to cut it off the thing wouldn't budge.

'Whatever, i just need to find a way to get back to kian', i rolled my sleeves up and prepare for any wild life there might be on this planet.

Another loud 'thunk' came from behind me.
I quickly grab my weapon and turn to were the sound landed, but as i turn my head i saw... a person... 'Great, more people... must be my lucky day.' i thought to myself.
They groaned as they got up, light skin, brown hair, and a... military uniform?
They are certainly built like soldier and built for battle that's for sure.
Their head snapped up at me, pure fear written all over this guys face.
I can't blame him tho, I doubt i look any different.

"Who are you?" He glanced around at the trees, patting down his pockets.
Reaching behind he pulled out a SIG 556 PSD gun, glancing back at me, "Where are we?"

"Listen, man, i don't know i-" a scream interrupted my response, as me and the military guy looked over the hedge.

There was a tall lady dangling a few feet off the ground, tangled in the string of her parachute.
She was thrashing around cussing out the tree, obviously trying to get down.
She just now noticed us, as the branch holding her snapped.
With a small yelp, she fell to the ground in a heap of fabric, and leaf's.
Finally wrestling her way out of the mess she stood, staring dumbfounded at the surrounding area.

"Whoa... this has to be either a very bad trip," she was almost chuckling as she turned once again to face me and the military guy, "or i'm dead, and i'm stuck in hell."

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