Mattheo and Jake were in the middle holding a snitch, a small, proud smile sitting on their faces, and them two are the only normal ones in the whole photo might I add. Beside Jake was Enzo with Theodore on his back, both of their faces having a huge smile.

Beside Mattheo was Jace and Allison on his back, except this time her arms are trying to wrap themselves around Mattheo for stability, both of them laughing their heads off but looking at the camera.

Beside Theodore and Enzo was Draco, he was standing up straight but his hair had been died Neon Green to 'support Slytherin' that was his reason but the real reason was that Theodore dyed his hair that colour in transfiguration. Blaise was stood next to Jace and Allison, he was laughing and trying to keep Jace standing up as he was toppling over.

And then on the two ends was Marcus and Adrian, Marcus was next to Draco and had just had a bucket of water poured over him making him soaking wet for the photo, he stood their with a pout on his face, the culprit of this crime was Adrian who made sure he was the other side, Adrian was stood their trying to keep a straight face but was failing miserably and was overall laughing at everyone, and the fact that the 2 captains were just ignoring what's happening around them.

Within minutes the music started playing and all of the Slytherin team was rushed onto the floor to dance with their dates. The music was slow and Allison found out that Mattheo had not been practicing his dancing as all he did was step on her toes for the first half of the song, until muscle memory kicked in.

The night went smoothly, the slow dances eventually ended being replaced with rock. The Slytherins got to choose to first and last rock song of the ball, with Everlong by Foo Fighters being the first song chosen and Two Princes by Spin Doctors being the last.

Before long the ball had ended at exactly 2am, if it was up to the students it would have lasted much longer but due to the teachers wanting to sleep the ball ended up ending. Throughout the night some of the group had ended up disappearing, Enzo and Molly were the first to leave, Daphne and Jake left at around 1am, Blaise and Pansy had disappeared somewhere, even Draco left with someone who wasn't his date, and Theodore had left with Hannah Abbot.

Leaving Mattheo and Allison to walk back to the common room together, alone. They were both deciding on who's room to go back to as Molly and Enzo are most likely banging each-other as they speak and Jake and Daphne and definitely banging as-well. But the question was, in what dorms did the two couples go to? Did they go to Mollys and Jakes? Or did they go to Enzo's and Daphnes?

If Blaise and Pansy left together then they are probably in Blaise dorm, Molly and Enzo are most likely in Mollys dorm, and Jake and Daphne are most likely in Daphnes dorm as Pansy is with Blaise. Then it's safe to go to Mattheo's dorm, well let's hope.

So that's what Allison and Mattheo did, they headed to his dorm, walking through the common room they saw multiple girls crying, boys getting into fights, couples making out, it was a massive scene. When they got to the boys dormitories it was like they were walking through a brothel, walking down the hallway you could tell they boys and girls forgot to put a silencing charm on their dorm.

But eventually they reached mattheo's dorm, but they approached the door carefully, well Allison did as she doesn't really fancy seeing her brother having sex, Allison thinks that she can live her life to the fullest without ever seeing that. And she is right, I mean everyone could like their life's to the fullest if they didn't see their sibling or parents having sex.

Luckily for the both of them the room was empty, except a note that lied on Mattheo's bed with a little gift next to it. Mattheo walked over to the bed shaking his head while trying not to laugh while Allison was stood their confused as hell. Eventually she walked over to read the note and see what the gift was.

To Mattheo Riddle,
And my dear sister Allison of course,
I've decided to leave you this little gift as a meaning of "I don't want to be an uncle yet" I do believe that this is a very important and most definitely needed gift for tonight as I can tell you I am not cuming back - see what I did there. Anyway I'm not returning to the room tonight so you guys can do whatever you want, as long as it's PG13 and if you do please use my gift.

Lots of love,
The best person and brother in the world,

As you can imagine what the gift was, you are most likely correct. Jake Evergreen had gifted his sister and his best friend a condom, but Mattheo begs that Jake got it from his draw as, how would he know what size he is?

And as funny as this was, both of the teens were... well they were horny. Neither of them have had sex in well for a couple of months. Yeah they hung out, kissed occasionally, went on dates. But they never established whether they were together or not.

That was a question running on Allison's mind every night before she went to sleep, is he going to ask me out? Yeah they dated a couple months ago but now they weren't, and it didn't seem as if anyone was going to bring it up any time soon.

But that wasn't on Allison's mind, right now all Allison could think of was kissing Mattheo, the boy beside her, the boy who had her heart. And so she did that, turning to her side she saw Mattheo looking at her. Without thinking anything of it she kissed him, pulling him down his collar.

He immediately returned the kiss, he'd be a fool not to. His hand immediately went to caress her cheek while his other hand went to the small of her back to pull her in. The kiss was euphoric, jubilant, lustful. Everything they were feeling.

Before Allison knew it she was getting backed up and laying on the bed with Mattheo on top of her. Kissing her lips but slowly making his way down to her collar bone, sucking on every patch of skin, leaving his mark. And Allison doesn't care, because she is his, and he is hers. They are each others, no one else's.

It's them against the world.


- 2792 words

A/N - I'm not going to lie but this has been worked on daily since the last part was published.

I do feel like this book is going to be coming to an end soon, but not so soon. Maybe by august, and if not then it will be continue to be written until I am finished.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this part, I know the whole thing was in third person but I feel like it captured both of their emotions.

Until next time

Xoxo Author

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