1] The marriage Havoc

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Taehyung's Pov:

" What? Wait- what do you mean dad?" I asked mortified because the words that my father said were too foreign to me.

" I said you are getting married and he is meeting you tomorrow." My dad replied calmly sipping coffee from his cup sitting at the other side from me , in my office.

" No. wait! Are you kidding me?" I asked and my father smiled looking at my face because - I don't know why but - he fascinated any type of expressions on my face.

Not because he loved my expressions but because they were too rare to show themselves to anyone. And right now, I knew that I had an angry and stressed face.

He indeed acted like a weirdo , sometimes.

" My dear son, you have a lot of work to do and I don't want to disturb you joking around. You know that I am not joking." He spoke , as calm as ever and smiled more widely , sipping again.

" But where is this coming from? And I never said that I wanted to get married." I expressed leaning forward on the table , in stress.

" Your mom and I wish to see you getting married and we know that you are not interested in dating , that's why we have chose him for you." Just how freely and happily he said that. I never dated because I never wanted to. I never had interest in marriage because I never wanted to.

Marriage , love , those stuff. They were too foreign for me and he wanted me to marry someone so suddenly that I actually had to marry that person without knowing that person. How could my parents be so reckless. Specially when they knew that I hated such type of behavior.

" Dad. Listen." I forced the words out strongly and pressed my palm on the table counter just to sooth my mind . " Yes my son. I am all ears." I knew what he was thinking right now, that I was his son and just because I loved him and mom - more than anything - he would say anything and I would do anything. But... I was not this much swept away.

" Dad - I don't know who he is, what he does, should I really marry him or if he is the right person. " I said but his smile remained unbothered. Damn!

" Is this your problem? That you don't know anything about him?" He asked and that was the moment I realized that I had fucked up, a big time that too for myself.

" Then you should have no problem. You know that your mother and I will choose the best for you. You know that , right?" He asked making me nod hesitantly, but... That was not the only thing. I had more reasons of being worked up . I was not ready for any marriage, Damn it!


" Then , that's it. No more if and buts. You are meeting him and that's final." He said standing up from his seat and then dusted his coat.

" But dad-"

" Enjoy your day, Taehyung." He interrupted and walked away closing the door shut, behind.

" Fuck!" I cursed loudly banging the table with my fist. Enjoy my day?! The hell I would enjoy!

Just- just how could he do that? I already knew that they would bring such a topic soon because of my age and the continuous rant of my one and only annoying aunt , but it would be this sooner? I couldn't believe.

" I can't let this happen! I can't! No! I won't marry . At all. " I retorted to myself laying back at the chair with a deep sigh.

Knock knock *


I didn't remember having any meeting or any other talks right now, then who could it be.

" Taehyung~ It's me! Your aunt~" Now this was the only person who was left to ruin my day.

" Come in." I swear I tried to speak lightly , I swear! But I couldn't because I hated her with my existence and specially her voice. It was all screechy and ringing. And additional to that she had come at such a moment when all I needed was to think of a plan to get rid of the situation, as soon as possible.

" Well, what brings you here, aunt." She walked inside wearing her usual frill dress that came till her knees with a smile that was different from my father's but equally weird.
" Hey , young man! How are you doing?" She asked sitting across me after I forwarded my hand as a sign for her to take a seat.

" Beats me. Now tell me why are you here?" I knew that she was in no way here to ask about my whereabouts and above that I knew that she was here to rub spices on my pained wounds.

" Oh boy! Why are you always so dry when I want to talk to you? " She asked with a disappointed facial expression and believe me when I said that I hated her to the core when she acted like that- all fake.

" Aunt. Why. are. you. here?" The words came out seething and her dull face turned into a serious and- mask fell off- one.

" Ok. calm down man. so....as you might already know that you are getting married , I am here t-"

" Excuse me. who told you that I am getting married?" I asked because as per my knowledge only my parents knew about this shit and they were doing it all of a sudden and no! I won't be marrying. I would make sure to make up a plan to stop this.

" I just....got to know. You don't think about that and listen. I am here to help you out." Now wait, This was really , really foreign to me. My aunt helping me? Me? My aunt?

All my life I had known her for troubling me and never helping me out of the problems.

" What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

" I know you don't want to get married and that's why I am here to help you." She said lowering her voice as if someone would listen to her. Yet whatever she said was too weird for me and different , because I couldn't ever buy the thought that she was going to help me.

" wait - you are saying that you will help me in cancelling this marriage?" She nodded with that creepy smile. I studied her expressions and understood that she was hiding something behind her smile.

" how?-no! why? why you want to help me?" I needed to know the reason , definitely. Because she won't be helping me in no way because she was the one putting me in problems and increasing them , in the first place.

" Nothing. Its nothing. Its just that I know that how much you hate the idea of marrying somebody. so I thought of helping you. I know that you might think that I am acting all weird but this is true that I really want to help you. I swear!" She pinched her throat with a smile.

She was lying.

" Hmm. So what's the plan." I gave in , keeping in mind that she was nothing but a nuisance in my life and I should never let my guard down.

She definitely had some ulterior motive but I would deal with it later and first listen to her.

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