Chapter 9: Another Blue Silver Grass

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Part 1:

Yuhao still another 9 lap to finish but the time only left 15 minutes, if Yuhao in fresh condition sure he can finish it. Or if he has another extra 10 minutes it won't be a problem for him.

But the current condition of Huo Yuhao was so poor, he forcing his body to keep running by relying on his will to complete the 100 laps. There are many other student that having fun from seeing Yuhao's struggle, However there is one face that showing expression of worry, remorse and guilty.

That person was no other than Tang Wulin.

He didn't know that Yuhao strength and stamina was really weak. After seeing how diligent Yuhao was and how he able to defeat other student some days ago. Current condition never cross in his mind.

And whats made it more terrible was, Wulin is the one who roped Yuhao in his battle and that make Huo Yuhao get called by teacher Zhou and he got less 10 minutes of running time.

If Yuhao was expelled by teacher Zhou because of that 10 minutes, Wulin will feel guilty to Yuhao. Even worse it will leave a really bad taste in his mouth for the rest of his time in Shrek academy.

At the side of Shrek plaza, teacher Zhou already get close to group of student who have finished and bringing an A4 size board with some paper on it. Teacher Zhou still looking at Yuhao who running at field and then smiled sarcastically "this boy is really weak how could he able to win, but he still haven't given up and that is a good thing".

Times keep going and never stop even for a while. When Yuhao have one and half lap left. His leg couldn't endure anymore and he trip himself and fall to the ground. Laugh soon heard from the side of finish line where the students gather. "He's done for. Looks like tomorrow we won't see his face anymore, don't forget to say farewell to him" he able to heard some students mocking him.

Yuhao still do his best to crawl using his hand while trying to get up. But the clock showing that there is less than two minutes left. Cannot hold his self anymore Tang Wulin running to track field and get close to Yuhao who still crawling.

Without any word suddenly Tang Wulin grab Yuhao right arm, pull him up then put Yuhao on his back and the Wulin use his both hands to bring Yuhao's leg up. Then Tang Wulin start to dash as fast as he can.

While Tang Wulin starting to run Yuhao was shocked by what Wulin do and froze like a statue.  Huo Yuhao who still out of breath and tired forgot to hold Wulin shoulder. As the result Yuhao was blown back because of Tang Wulin acceleration. Yuhao's head almost hit the ground, but before it happen a grass leave appear from Tang Wulin back and wrap Yuhao arm and pull him back and then bind Yuhao body together with Tang Wulin body.

The grass leave was very similar to Tang Ya martial soul, but its color not normal blue, but its pale blue with a bit yellowish line and has like a plastic or softbone inside the middle of Blue silver grass.

Besides that Yuhao also able to see two soul ring, the first one was yellow and the other one was purple. The yellow spirit ring was light up, it means Tang Wulin use his first spirit ring. Yuhao shocked once again after see this uncommon spirit ring color and become more curious about Tang Wulin background. After some time Yuhao snapped back to his current condition, he realize Wulin is helping him. Yuhao try his best to not make any more hindrance to Wulin, he bring his head closer to Wulin and a bit bend his back to make Wulin movement more aerodynamic.

While Tang Wulin help Huo Yuhao. In the group of other student, one boy see something and say "Is that pretty boy's Martial soul? Huh I can't believe I lose in physical contest from a boy with Blue silver grass..." and before he able to continue with his mockery. He swallowed back his word right after seeing the spirit ring. And didn't dare say a word anymore. But the female student still didn't affected by that mockery at all, for them Tang Wulin is always their prince.

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