The Forest of Unreturnable

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I opened my eyes and saw Lime beside me. "Sis, are you alright? Need any—"

"No need, it's the third time I —"

"Third time?!" I interrupted her as I felt shocked. "You mean literally three times?! So you and mom kept the secret with me for this long?"

"No sis, I just mean —"

"And even dad knows about it right? The whole family kept this truth from me that long, just because of...NO REASONS!!! Our family has magic, every one of us, am I right?"

"Yah..." Lime was suddenly interested in looking at the grass. "Mom could teleport others, just like what she did earlier, dad could make things move without touching them, and I'm with the wind."

Gosh, my whole family has magic, pretty normal, extremely normal. I took a deep breath and just realized that there was a backpack that appeared out of nowhere. Mom again, I guess.

Lime jogged and brought the backpack to me, and we opened it together. "Water bottle, snacks, ooh a book!"

"That's a encyclopedia," Lime frowned. "It says, 'The Infinite Book of Magic and Monsters' must be a book from dad."

"Hey, look, it's a blank paper," I pointed to Lime as she looked away from the book.

"I think, it's a map." She grabbed it out and words and pictures emerged from it as if an invisible hand was drawing it.

"Agreed." I could never beat my sister from anything, besides...yah nothing.

"It's a map of where we should go," she pointed to the picture as she began her boring explanation. "This, is where we are, The Forest of Unreturnable, after that, we will get to a cave with...something like a drop of water inside?"

"It's an angel."

She ignored me and continued, "after that, we will go inside a tree. Could it be Yggdrasil in the Asgardian Legends?! Oh! I'm sooo excited! Hey sis, do you know Yggdrasil, the tree that connects the nine worlds? It connects Asgard, home of the gods, Alfheim, home of the (good) elves , Jotunheim, home of the giants, Midgard, home of the humans, Muspelheim, realm of fire, Nidavellir, home of—"

"Yes, I know you're a genius, but can we please move on, the sooner we finish this, the better." I tried my best not to roll my eyes, but couldn't help wondering how she remembered every single detail of everything.

"Oh, all right then. After the tree, mother used a red marker and made an 'X' that said, 'treasure', seems like that's our goal."

"Then what are we waiting for, let's get out of this forest!"

"Yes!" Lime held my hand and we walked happily into the unknown. For two hours.

"I think we... were... here b..effffore..." Lime was panting as she pointed to a tree beside. "That's where we landed, the forest, it's playing us."

What the heck is she saying? The forest, playing with us? Do forests even know how to think?

"Okay," I took a deep breath. "So we have to figure a way to get out of this forest without turning in circles, which is an easy question compared to WHY DOESN'T MOM OR DAD COME WITH US OR JUST MAKE US LAND AT THE TREE OR JUST COME TO HERE BY THEMSELVES???"

"Calm, sis, calm down. Mom and dad can't come cause they need to protect the house from dark magic. And I'm afraid I must give you a long and boring history lesson. Magic was everywhere a long time ago, when everything was at peace, no arguing, no fighting, nothing but peace. Sounds like something unbelievable now, right? But that's what it was eons ago. You must be wondering why it changed. It was because an evil sorcerer, which was our ancestor, was born. He wanted to destroy the world, and so he killed everything that dared to come through his path. When the last hope almost flew away, his sister, who was the savior of the whole world, had discovered a way to trick him into a book that's been told to protect from generation to generation. Thus, the dead ones who once had magic put every last bit of their magic into the living families, in protecting the book. But after all, some say, the sorcerer's evil powers still lie out of the book's control."

Perfectly insane story, but I still had to believe it. It's the only way.

"Sis, I think I have a way."

"Did Ms. Stupid find her inspiration after the perfect story?" Lime's sarcasm was normally annoying.

"If we can't go up, then why not go down?"

"You mean...underground?"

"Yep," I said proudly as I introduced my plan to Lime. "I can use my fire to burn a tunnel, then we can climb the tunnel to get out!"

"How are you sure your fire can burn soil?"

"Hmmm, would you know the answer if you didn't try?" I raised an eyebrow like a movie character.

"Sis, have you been possessed by a genius? You turned smart!" Lime ran towards me and hugged me.

"Well, let's see if it'll last long," I said and lit my hand up with fire. Actually, it was only the second time I tried to summon it.

I raised my hand and thrust it into the soil as I felt my whole body burning. "Arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed. Flames flew from my hand, out of nowhere, and into the soil.

"Did it work? Did it? Did it?"

"Easy for you to ask," I said as I fell into the darkness.

You did well, Naomi.

Who are you?

Me? I'm your ancestor, Loki. 

Ancestor? The good or the bad one? I asked as I started to feel terrified. Because according to the informations my annoying sister gave, Loki was the antagonist!

Do you really believe what your sister told you, even what she hid from you for such a long time? If you really believed your sister, then how are you sure that your parents didn't even lie to her?

I'm started to feel like you're really the bad one. I said and started planning my escape.

Bad one? Me? Yes, I am. But are you sure you're not also evil?

You're trying to mess me up, thinking that I'm on your side. Even though I said so, I couldn't help wondering if maybe he was, that's crazy.

Messing you up? No. Want to know a fact? I lend you my magic in helping you to burn the tunnel.

Lies! Maybe I did not know Norse Mythology very well, I can just admit that you are an expert at making up lies! I started to think that maybe Lime would be a great help in telling him a bunch of Norse Mythologies to slow him down and escape. 

Well, I've changed. If you think I'm lying, see for yourself. And don't mind calling me if you have any problems for the rest of your journey.

Hmph, you think I'll be tricked? In your dreams. And I really must admit that you are the dumbest person I've ever met in my life!!! A villain who just captured a person and let her go a few minutes after? He's dumb. Really dumb. I was about to yell some curse words at him when everything turned bright red and I felt a drop of water that sunk into my heart. But what I didn't know is that the drop of water may be the key of me and my sister being driven apart....

A/N: Just as I promised, I'll update a chapter each week, but my dad looked at the calendar and said we're going on a trip next week, so...this chapter is actually for next week. And I wanna ask some questions and please comment below: What do you think will drive them apart? What power does the water have? What powers will Loki have?(I really need your suggestions for this one, I have some on my mind like mind-controlling and telekinesis, but please comment!!!)

Best wishes~~

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