Five: Sterling Industries

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Garrett Newbrough;


I breathed deeply in anticipation as I sat in the back of the carriage. Sitting next to me were Ilyor and Vaquin, and across from me was the storage room to my little shop trailer. Father had it built for me while I was grinding my <Enchanting> as a little bonus on top of his loan. I knew it was really an excuse for mom to let me out of the castle grounds, which is why she had assigned Vaquin to me, in the first place. Now that the time had come for me to actually go out and advertise my trade, however, I was very nervous.

Still, I had come up with a game plan to get my name - fake as it is - out there. Sterling Industries, named after my previous self, would be a general merchandising company. It would start in enchanting, selling pre-enchanted goods of all kinds, and enchanting objects to specification on command. For now, my plan took me to one of the large, market squares spread throughout the city. It was in a moderately-wealthy area, but not too wealthy, as to avoid nobles. There was a reason Vaquin was wearing less 'I'm a knight, look at me!' armor. I was taking every precaution possible, as per my mother's pleading. Of course, I had enchanted this less flamboyant armor myself; each individual piece with the same treatment as I had my first steel shield.

The carriage came to a stop, and I could hear the bustling civilian activity outside. It was a shame I wouldn't get to see it, myself. Ilyor, Vaquin, and the carriage driver - a man by the name of Juak - began setting up the front, displaying the items I had enchanted on racks. Once they were ready, I signaled for Ilyor to begin, prompting her to step up onto a soap box and clear her throat loudly.

"H-hello, everyone! I am here on behalf of Sterling Industries to show off our products; high-quality enchanted goods of many varieties!" She said nervously, catching a few people's attention. "We have everything from swords to spoons, shields to camp ovens; all forged and crafted by the good folk at the Andre Armory!" This got much more attention, as the Andre family were among the highest-quality smiths in the nation. A few people started to gather around the display.

"All of that was then enchanted by Sterling, himself, who is burgeoning on his fifth-awakening! All of it has been tested extensively and recognized by a Royal Court mage! Its information is available on the tags glued to the items!" At this, a few people approached the goods and inspected the items. Juak and Vaquin would read it aloud to those who couldn't read, but the majority of people in this could work out a sentence, as most of them were merchants themselves.

Now came the gamble. "To display the quality of our goods, we have a special event going on! Put your name on one of the slips of paper over there, and put it in the hat; the name that is drawn gets an item enchanted for free! Whatever they want!"

"Anything? As much as we want?" A man asked, approaching.

"A-anything that can be done without a ritual!" Ilyor answered as I had told her to. At this, word spread through the square quickly, and a much larger crowd gathered. Everyone started putting their names into the hat, or dictating them to the two men. Ilyor continued to explain the different enchantment types and levels, showing off item after item while the names were gathered. Word had spread beyond this square, and down the street, so some people of lesser wealth had come up with their tools, hoping to be chosen. Enchantments were rare and expensive, so a free one up to level four was a big deal.

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