Gift Giving (Nuzi)

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Uzi: Oh I will (:<

N: Of course XD

Uzi put down her phone and sighed, this gave her more time on the puppy, but she still wished that N would come over, or at least give her a reason why he couldn't come.

Little did she know, N was fiddling with pieces of paper on the floor of the pod, desperately trying to make them resemble something vaguely flower like.

A few days passed and both N and Uzi had cancelled plans together for the sake of gift making. N determined to reach what he considered 'perfect boyfriend' and Uzi keen to pay him back for all the love he'd given her.

As they both kept cancelling plans, the two began to worry about their relationship.

Is he spending all this time with V? Uzi thought.

Have I been annoying her? N considered.

Unable to think positively, they both began to worry that they'd become too obsessed with their respective gifts, but N had come too far with the flowers and Uzi was almost done with the dog.

Eventually, after almost 2 weeks of cancelling plans and creating worry. N sent a text to Uzi, keen to show her what he'd done.

N: Hey Biscuit- I know I've been distant lately- but do you wanna go for a fly tomorrow night? As soon as the sun sets (:

Uzi: I'd love that N, I'm sorry for being distant too <3

Both drones sighed at the idea of meeting up again. Relieved that they could finally talk, and give each other what they'd been working on so keenly for over 10 days.

They met just outside the bunker doors, N had deliberately dressed up a little- wearing a white polo and grey trousers. Uzi dressed up a little as well, wearing a short grey skirt and tight black top with a grey cardigan to cover it.

Upon seeing each other, Uzi ran straight into Ns arms, ignoring the fact that he was holding something behind his back. N picked Uzi up one handed and kissed her forehead, ignoring the rustling from her bag.

"I have something for you" they both said, blushing.

Anxiously, N put Uzi down "Can I go first?" He muttered. She nodded and blushed fiercely.

Her blush only got brighter as N pulled from behind his back a bouquet of paper flowers, all in different shades of purple. They were clearly handmade and coloured, but were surprisingly well structured, with each petal being individual. "You made me flowers.." Uzi murmured in amazement, she took the bouquet from her blushing boyfriend, and felt tears well up on her visor.

Without a word Uzi crashed into N, being careful to hold her bouquet out of the way of the impact. N smiled at her reaction, but before he could kiss her the squirming from Uzi's bag got more extreme, and he raised his digital eyebrow at her.

Still with tears racing down her visor, Uzi revealed the puppy, it was clearly robotic- and had a metallic sound when it moved, but it was a puppy.

N stared at the dog in disbelief, removing it from Uzi's bag and cradling it in his arms. He stood for a moment in shock, before he felt his own tail starting to wag.

" made him?" N stammered, turning to Uzi with loving eyes. She blushed harder and rubbed the back of her head with her free hand. N pulled her into a hug, which she quickly settled into.

The two stood still for a moment, the only sound being the puppy panting. "So what are you gonna call him?" Uzi finally asked, pulling away from Ns chest slightly to talk. "I- I dunno, you made him" he replied, looking at the puppy in his arms.

"Well you can't call him biscuit- that's me" Uzi joked, but N nodded seriously "Of course not!"

The two drones stood and looked at the puppy for a moment before Uzi broke the silence again "Thank you so much N, for everything, your the best boyfriend a drone could ask for".

"Thank you for having me Uzi, and this dog is worth 1000 gifts, I'll never be able to pay you back" N replied, taking Uzi's hand as he did. "Stick around, thats's all I need" Uzi said, kissing N delicately as she did.

Murder Drones Oneshots (mostly Nuzi)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum