And as he looked into their innocent eyes, he found solace in the unconditional love they offered.

Mace held Maris in his arms as he waited for his father to come into the Round Hall. The Hall was well lit up and set for a feast and celebration. The Baratheon man felt nervous at presenting his child to his father.

He was nervous the first time and he is nervous now.

His father was getting older and things were getting rough for him. While he was still able to handle himself well, it seemed that he was slowly losing himself. The old Baratheon walks into the Round Hall, escorted by knights as he goes to sit on the Hall's Throne.

People followed in after him, Stormlanders and sworn House lords coming inside to celebrate Cassandra and Maris.

They silently waited as it was Boremund's turn to see the new born girl.

Mace and Elenda stood beside one another and waited for Boremund to settle comfortably on the throne.

"Father," Mace called out to him as they stepped closer, "This is Maris....She was born early this morning.." Boremund gives his son a tired smile as Mace carefully handed him Maris who was asleep and wrapped in a bundle of black blankets.

"She's beautiful...." Boremund says as Maris stirs awake, looking up at her grandfather. The Baratheon babe had black hair, blue eyes, and soft skin like every Baratheon before her.

Boremund cradles Maris in his arms, a hint of pride in his tired eyes. "A worthy addition to the Baratheon legacy," he remarks, his voice filled with affection. Elenda tries to hold Mace's hand but his eyes remain on Maris, and is hesitantly trying to reach for her.

As Maris yawns, Boremund continues, "She is a wonderful mix of her parents. Well done...the both of you."

Mace, finally tearing his gaze away from Maris, smiles at his father's words. "Thank you, Father."

"Thank you, my lord," Elenda softly says.

Boremund chuckles softly, "Naming her Maris suits her well. She will be a sweet girl." He hands the baby back to Mace, who carefully takes Maris into his arms once more.

Elenda beams with pride, her eyes fixed on the family moment unfolding before her. Mace, with Maris cradled against his chest, stands beside Boremund.

Mace turns to Maester Devan who has his hands together watching Maris in her father's arms. Cassandra was being held by a servant girl, fast asleep.

Boremund loudly addresses the people in his Hall, "We are here to celebrate my two beautiful granddaughters!" He smiles widely, "This is a time for peace and prosperity in the Stormlands as they are the future of House Baratheon! So LET'S CELEBRATE!" He raises his arms and everyone cheers.

A servant hands Boremund a glass of wine. The rough Baratheon man holds up his glass toward his son and wife, "To your beautiful girls..."

Mace chuckles as he rocks Maris in his arms and Elenda rests her shoulder on her husband.

The feasting begins, and the Round Hall is filled with laughter, music, and the clinking of goblets. Lords and ladies approach Mace and Elenda, offering their congratulations and well wishes for Cassandra and Maris's future.

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