Chapter 1

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*tim and Lucy have been working together today they had a hard day woman had a bomb over her neck and she died Tim knew Lucy and Chris was having problems but he asks her

*Tim was driver he decided to ask her something

Tim : Luce
Lucy : yea
Tim : you deserve to be happy and you deserve to be with someone who makes you happy
Lucy : thanks but Tim what's going on
Tim : why are  you  Chris having problems
Lucy *looks outside the window then she looks at him : you
Tim *looks at her : I *radio goes off another guy with a bomb but he survived

*they went there and they had his statement they knew the guy who did this they arrested him they he had another guy we go to his work place

*Nolan took the bomb off him Celina told him to cut the other one and him and Nolan was okay

*after shift

*Lucy and Tim talk outside

*Tim sitting down

Lucy : hey we have to talk *sits down next to him
Tim *nods : look this clearly isn't working out I don't know why you won't admit it unless is it guilt is it because of what Rosalind did to him
Lucy : oh like I'm the only one that stayed too long when things aren't working you dated a lifeguard you don't even like going to the beach
Tim : this isn't about me
Lucy : uh
Tim : it's not this is about you staying in a safe relationship because your scared
Lucy : of course I'm scared if we do this and it doesn't work I'll have ruined the most important relationship in my life
Tim *looks at her
Lucy : I'm sorry I shouldn't have said
Tim : no um you're right
Lucy : so we should just keep going the way we have been right it's not worth the risk
Tim : unless it is
Lucy *I look at him
Tim : do you want to grab dinner some time
Lucy : yea
Tim : yea
Lucy : no um
Tim : okay
Lucy : it's just um not yet I owe it to chris to end things the right way with him ask me again later after
Tim : deal

* Tim was exited to have a date with Lucy when Lucy breaks up with Chris

*hope you liked this chapter

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