Experiential Date

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Jennie stays silent.

"You didn't?"

"I kind of... overslept..." Jennie squirms under Mino's scrutinizing gaze, her guilt piles up into a hill. "When I woke up, she had gone to work..."

"I can't believe you," the brunet man sighs in exasperation.

"Then you would hate me more because she left me pancakes and a fresh pot of coffee. And a new toothbrush."

"I don't know whether to congratulate or smack you." Mino ends up doing the latter anyway. "But seriously, you need to do something in return for that woman. She is a keeper."

"Yeah... I'm thinking about another date. I plan to ask her out when I return her key, but I still have no idea of what to do. It's hard to top a romantic candlelit dinner and—"

"Stop, stop! Return her key? She gave you her key?"

"To lock down the apartment after I left." Instinctively, Jennie pats her jeans pocket, where said metal is residing along with the rest of her keys. It has been weighting her somehow, but a good kind of weight that makes her smile like a fool.

Mino's smirks like a maniac with evil intention. "U-hauling already?"

Jennie brows furrow together in confusion. Sometimes she forgets her ex-partner once spent his adolescent abroad, but when she does remember it is because strange phrase or term he says, just like now. Her confusion must be clear as the day because Mino simply returns her quizzical look with a wave of his hand, brushing it off as nothing even when he keeps grinning over some sort of inside joke only he understands of.

"She won't want it back, trust me. Now onto your date dilemma... If this is high school, I'd say you impress her with the second-hand car your dad bought you for your seventeen's birthday then make out on the backseat."

It is yet again another weird idea. Jennie did not get second-hand car from her father. She does not even currently own a car because there is no need for one when she spends most of her time on air. Instead, she flies a Boeing 777 that costs about 320.2 millions dollar and it is not up for a spin or being left alone while she make-out with Roseanne somewhere among the three hundred seats at the back. However, back in her hometown, she does own a red Cessna 172 Skyhawk, which used to be her father's favorite before he gave it to her as a present for getting her own pilot license.

Jennie's eyes brighten as the idea begins forming inside her brain. "Mino! I can kiss you right now!" She beams at him, buzzing with excitement.

"Uugh... No, thanks."

"I didn't mean it literally." Jennie goes on typing whatever it is she has in mind into her phone's memo. "How are you holding up?" She asks after putting her phone back to her pocket.

"Took a while to adapt with Airbus, but my co-pilot is simply awesome. How about yours?"

Instinctively, Jennie scrunches her nose. "I swear to God, she must have planted a tracking application on my phone. One call and the next minute, she will show up, no matter wherever I am."

Mino laughs. "But she is a good partner?"

The seemingly no big deal, offhanded question throws Jennie's mind into a whirlwind. "She is, but not as good as you," she quickly adds, not wanting Mino to feel he is easily replaced and Irene really does need more training and especially learn to stop talking during turbulence.

"Do you think she is up to a date?"

"With you?" One brow cocks up skeptically before the blonde narrows her eyes when her ex-partner nods at the question. "Oh no... You don't..."

"Why not?" Mino shrugs; his grin almost splits his face into two while Jennie looks simply horrified. "You're not the only one who needs to have a girl in their life," and sticks out his tongue at her before the grin turns into a wicked one, "or in their bed."

The rest of the night spent with playful banter between the two, but Mino ended up asking Irene out regardless how hard Jennie had tried to convince him not to. He is also right about the ATC not wanting her key back. The important date itself takes about a month to eventually be carried on after the idea was formed that night. In the mean time, Roseanne and Jennie went through a handful of dates on weekends, which consist of more dinners—Jennie avoids going to Roseanne's place when Elisa is around—and wandering around the airport after the ATC's shift ends.

Their latest date is on a shooting range, where the ATC manages to awe Jennie with her nimble hands and sharp precision. While she is never a fan of guns, Jennie strangely finds it hot for a woman to know her way wielding such weaponry. Then afterwards, while they are taking their stuff out from the locker they are assigned for when they first got into the range, Jennie feels it is the right time to pop the question, so she does just that.

"Do you think you can take some days off from work?"

"I never took any day-off before." Roseanne secures the last button on her jacket before she puts her whole attention to her date, who is staring at her hopefully. "I can..." She sighs in defeat. "What for?"

"I'm going to bring you back to my hometown." Mistaking the baffled look as concern, Jennie adds, "You can bring Elisa along, if she wants to and if you get permission from her other parents."

"She can't go. Her fathers have her this week and they are in Boston, Stephan has a class to teach there." Roseanne answers automatically, she can't figure out the probable reason for Jennie to bring her all the way back to South Korea. Unless it is for meeting the parents, which is too farfetched, simply because they are still tethering between the fine line of friends and lovers, even after a lot of making-out sessions. If Roseanne were to be honest to herself, she is tired of waiting the pilot to finally ask her out and make it official. She would have asked, if Jennie had not made it clear that she wants friendship from her first. "What are we going to do there?"

Unaware of the taller woman's inner musing, Jennie gives her a toothy grin. "I will teach you how to fly a plane."

Fly To Your Heart [Chaennie]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang