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"I stayed the night."

Jennie peers over the rim of her glass before she takes a deliberate sip of the cool water inside to hide her growing smirk. Across her, Mino is sitting on the very edge of his seat, completely enthralled by the story Jennie is sharing. It is Sunday night, their usual hangout time of the week. Normally, Mino will do everything in his might to drag Jennie into one of the nightclubs to fish for plausible date candidate or to get drunk, or both. Ever since they no longer work together and Jennie is somewhat dating, they agree on spending the time just sharing stories over dinner, thus the cozy family restaurant they are in at the moment.


"The other bedroom is Elisa's and she wouldn't let me sleep on the couch."

Mino rolls his eyes, as if saying of course.

"So we shared her bed."

"Damn, man!" A playful punch lands on Jennie's upper arm and she would have scowled at him if she is not so invested in teasing him. Mino is not aware of the ulterior motive his friend has and asks, "then?" He drawls out with a knowing twinkle in his eyes and suggestive waggle of his brows.

"She lend me her pajama shorts and UCLA tee."

Mino snickers from the image of Jennie wearing clothes that is obviously baggy for her petite frame. "And then? And then?"

Jennie lets out a sigh. "I passed out."


It is Jennie's turn to laugh, earning her a well-placed glare from her ex-partner, before she ducks her head slightly to hide a sheepish smile. "I was nervous... When she left to change first, I chugged down the remainder wine and ended up feeling dizzy, planting face-first to her bed after I changed."

Mino expression is somewhere between amused and mortified by his friend's antics. "A beautiful woman, who definitely likes you, invited you to her place. Cooked you decent meal. Went through the pain of preparing a candlelit dinner." The list goes on, adding guilt on the blonde. "Opened up about her family. Kept up with your stubbornness to watch movie even after like eight continuous hours of work that made her fall asleep on you and finally offered you to stay the night, wear her clothes, and share her bed. And you passed out on her?!"

"You paint me as the bad guy." Jennie huffs in irritation, even though each sentence Mino said has struck a cord in her heart. "You know I'll probably turn her down if she tried to..."

"Have sex with you?"

Jennie nods, face heating up.

"You can't even say it," the older man teases.

"Shut up!"

"Believe me, Jennie... If that woman wants to pounce on you, she would have done so since the first date."

"Then I would have turned her down plus never contacting her anymore."

Jennie speaks with finality that Mino can't help but agree with. He has known her long enough to understand her rather prude view on relationship. He himself has no problem with it, though.

"I think she is just like you." At Jennie's quirked brow, he continues, "First kiss after knowing each other for what? Two—three weeks? That's slow. Like snail-pace slow."

"She has a kid, Mino." Jennie ignores the contradiction she creates; not willing to do more than kissing, yet not wanting to let her friend saying negative thing about Roseanne. "Jumping in bed with random people is not a good behavior example for a child."

"Oh my God!" Mino exclaims rather dramatically. "You already sound like a mom!"

"I'm not!"

"Are too." Before Jennie can form a retort, he cuts in, "At least do tell me you did make it up by making-out on top of the kitchen counter on the next morning?"

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