Chapter 32 - Assurance and Alliance

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A/N: Translations

伯伯 Bobo = uncle.  A way to address elder male family friends, a male friend of your parents.

大夫人 Da furen = first wife, first lady, madam

Chapter 32

The first snowfall covered the branches and rooftops in a delicate layer of white comfort, reminding Lan Wanji of the first evening he spent with Wei Ying. Since that time, the two of them had spent many snowy evenings together. He'd play the gujin while Wei Ying drank wine and watched the snow fall, or sometimes Wei Ying would play his flute in accompaniment.

Watching the snow slowly drift to the ground only made Lan Wangji think about how cold it was, and he prayed that Wei Ying was somewhere warm. He refused to believe the alternative that the omega was no longer alive. As each day dragged by, he was beginning to feel the lack of information was a blessing since there was nothing to indicate that the omega was dead.

The disappearance of Wen Ning also gave him hope that his spymaster was somewhere with Wei Ying. He knew the beta was still alive since the network they created had measures in place that would let him know if the spymaster was dead.

He heard feet rushing to where he was and he turned in hope and anticipation. "Wei Ying?" were the first words out of his mouth, when Nie Huaisang came into view.

The head eunuch shook his head and spoke quickly when the emperor waved off the formal greeting. "Xue Chengmei's omega father, Cai Rufeng, requests an audience with his majesty."

Irritation had him frowning at the eunuch. Nie Huaisang should know better than to even come to him with this request. "I do not..." he began to say in irritation.

The eunuch immediately fell to his knees and interrupted him. "I beg your pardon, your majesty," he apologized for cutting in, "but he said he has information regarding Concubine Wuxian."

His irritation ceased and shifted to skepticism. How would Cai Rufeng have information and why wasn't the new alpha of the Xue clan the one asking for an audience with him? "Where is he now?" he asked.

"He is in the throne room with Zewu Wang and Commander Luo," Nie Huaisang replied.

Lan Wangji nodded in approval and motioned for him to rise to his feet. "Well done," he praised Nie Huaisang for leaving Cai Rufeng with two of his most trusted advisors.

He entered the throne room to find the omega already kneeling on the ground and holding something wrapped in a cloth. Both his brother and Luo Qingyang gave him a small shake of their heads indicating neither of them knew what was wrapped in the cloth or what information Cai Rufeng had.

"Cai Rufeng is most grateful to his majesty for his willingness to see one as lowly as me," the omega said while touching his forehead to the ground.

"Rise and speak," Lan Wangji said, impatiently.

The omega lifted his head but he did not rise to his feet.

Lan Wangji narrowed his eyes, but it was his brother that spoke the words in his mind.

"You refuse his majesty's benevolence to rise and speak, therefore you must have a request of him," said Lan Xichen.

Cai Rufeng pursed his lips and swallowed nervously. "Yes, before I tell his majesty where Concubine Wuxian is, I wish for him to grant a request."

Lan Xichen shook his head while Nie Huaisang sputtered in disbelief, but it was Luo Qingyang that pulled her sword from her scabbard. "You dare try to barter with the emperor!" she seethed.

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