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So we went back to my apartment for the night and the next day, I had moving trucks picking things up... I realized I messed up. "Ahhhhh, I should have told the moving truck to come another day" I groaned. Bakugo laughed as he sealed another box. "We could call for help you know" He suggested. "Ah! Papa!" I exclaimed and clutched onto my phone dialing his phone number. He picked up the phone and before he could say anything, "Please come over and bring Natsuo and Touya, pleaseeeee" I asked. There was silence for a second. "You didn't plan out your 'moving out plan', huh?" He asked. I sulked, "yeah...". "Hmm, alright, I'll get them and Takami and we'll come over and help you" He said and hung up. My papa can be the best papa sometimes.

They all arrived half an hour later. Fuyumi ended up joining them. "You have 2 places to pack up right? Touya, Natsuo go with Bakugo and start packing things there" My dad said. Bakugo nodded, "Alright, Behave Shoto" Bakugo said giving me a forehead kiss before he gripped his keys and walked out with Touya and Natsuo behind him. I glanced at dad, who looked back at me. "What have you already packed up?" he asked. "Well... I've packed up everything in my room, I just started packing everything here" I answered. Fuyumi dictated to plan. Dad and Takami, tackle the kitchen while Fuyumi and I will tackle the living room and bathroom. After an hour, everything was packed and ready to go. The moving truck arrived and packing every box into the truck was no problem. I did wonder how Bakugo and the other two were doing....


"How can one guy have this much crap?!?" Touya exclaimed. "I couldn't bother to throw away half of them... I guess now might be the opportunity..." Bakugo responded. While Todoroki's place was completely packed in an hour. Bakugo's.... Well, only bare minimum was done. "Less nagging and more working" Bakugo said, frowning at himself, questioning why he kept some of the things he had. "Let's.... Try thinking bout this the smart way" Natsuo said out loud, glancing at Bakugo and Touya. "Huh?" Touya hummed confused. "Everyone tackle a room each" Natsuo said. Touya lifted his eyebrow. Natsuo glanced at him. "Whend you get here sis?" He asked. Natsuo rolled his eyes. "I'll pack my room, I have a lot more questionable bullshit there" Bakugo said. "I'll take care of the living room and the kitchen" Natsuo said. "Bathroom and.... " Touya said, glancing at Bakugo. "Office- FUCK MY OFFICE" Touya almost burst in laughter, "nevermind man, we'll do the office last" Touya reassured him.

They finally got to work. The process.... Definitely took longer.

Bakugo and I were fully moved in within 5 days. Packing Bakugo's apartment took 2 days. "Fuckkkkkkkk" Bakugo cursed realising he still had his papers to unpack. While I on the other hand were internally swearing about going back to work. It's not like I entirely HATE it but- I kind of hate it. Bakugo came downstairs still cursing. "I reject unpacking them for the next few weeks" he said as he entered the living room. "Or until you realize you need something from them" I said to him. He groaned before putting his arms around me waist. "Why do you seem bothered by something hm?" He asked. "I'm fine" I smiled and turned around and kissing his lips. "We should a party" Bakugo suggested nuzzling into the creek of my neck. "Hmm, once you get that office in order" I teased him. He gasped playfully.

"So unfair!" He pouted. I chuckled, "sucks to be you" I answered. He grabbed me by the chin and pulled me into a steamy kiss. "Sho, I think I have the upperhand here" he said after pulling away. "Neither of us has the upperhand" I said and kissed him back, "take out or we cooking?" I asked, turning my head to the side. "You feeling take out I'm guessing?" He smirked. "What?! Nooooo, what gives you that ideaaa" I responded. He chuckled. "I'll order something for us and I'll sort out SOME of the things in my office" he said grabbing his phone and heading upstairs. "His whole office will be completely sorted by the time the food comes" I chuckled to myself and went to grab a snack. 

(It's short, I'm sorry!)

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