Chapter 4.2: 'Thunderbolt' Bei Bei (*nothing changed)

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*Author Note: There is nothing changed from original story line.

Bei Bei and Huo Yuhao continued onwards, with one person talking and one person listening. Almost two hours unknowingly passed.

The large road had already disappeared, and their surroundings were now filled with dense forest. The air had turned fresher and cleaner, but there seemed to be a faint serious aura emitted from the depths of the forest.

"This is the general method used to cultivate this technique. As for the specifics, you'll have to slowly get a feel for them after trying it out for yourself. If you have anything that you don't understand, you can ask me." Bei Bei said to Huo Yuhao.

"Thanks, eldest senior brother." Huo Yuhao's admiration towards Bei Bei had continuously risen while Bei Bei had been explaining everything to him; naturally, his respect for Bei Bei had grown as well.

At this moment, Tang Ya, who'd been walking in front, suddenly let out a cold snort. Her footsteps suddenly turned illusory, and her body instantly turned into consecutive afterimages as she pounced towards a large tree on the group's right. The only thing that Huo Yuhao could faintly see was a few cold lights that flickered outwards. A Wind Baboon, similar to the one that had almost killed him previously, fell from a treetop.

Xiao Ya unhappily said, "These Wind Baboons are simply the most detestable creatures. Not only do they take the initiative to attack, they even launch sneak attacks."

Huo Yuhao hadn't used his Spirit Eyes earlier, so he was entirely unable to see how Xiao Ya had moved, "Teacher Xiao Ya, did you use a soul skill just now?"

Xiao Ya was slightly proud of herself as she replied, "It wasn't a soul skill, but the synergy of our Tang Sect's Ghost Shadow Perplexing Tracks and hidden weapons. Wasn't it awesome? If you cultivate properly, you'll also be able to use them together in the future."

"Xiao Ya, careful." Bei Bei's expression suddenly changed. He suddenly raised his right hand and made an illusory grabbing movement towards Tang Ya. Clearly, they'd worked together frequently, as Tang Ya's toes tapped the ground lightly, and her body flew up. She seemed to be weightless as she was pulled over by the absorption force exerted on her by Bei Bei's hand.

A pitch black shadow instantly fell to the ground and let out a light noise. Following that, a strong sweet smell assaulted the senses of everyone present.

Huo Yuhao's mind felt dizzy, but a wave of icy air instantly surged through his body, sealing his mouth and nose. An icy mist flew slightly outwards from Huo Yuhao's mouth and nose, causing the sweet-smelling poison gas that he'd previously inhaled to be dispersed into the air.

An ice attribute? My second martial soul? Huo Yuhao immediately questioned the stream of icy air's origins. However, he clearly hadn't controlled it.

Just as he was beginning to feel pleased because of his second martial soul's effects, Tang Ya had been pulled closer by the absorption force of Bei Bei's hand. She used her right hand to press against Bei Bei's shoulder, causing her delicate body to curl up and then flip around in midair to land behind Bei Bei.

Two light rings simultaneously rose up from Tang Ya's legs, the bright yellow colours moving up and down in a rhythmical manner. Her two soul rings were unexpectedly of the hundred-year rank.

In that instant, long blue vines were rapidly released from Tang Ya's body. One of them just so happened to wrap around Huo Yuhao's waist, while even more dispersed into the distance.

However, compared to Tang Ya, Bei Bei, who was standing in front, shocked Huo Yuhao even more.

Up to this point, in his mind, this eldest senior brother of his was a gentle, scholarly person. He always wore a gentle smile when he was beside Tang Ya, and had an extremely approachable feel. However, at this moment, he'd changed into a completely different person.

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