"I'd love that and yes, I guess every pack is unique in their own way. While my pack is quite large and thrives off their strength and skill, your pack looks more united and dependent on each other, something I envy and would definitely love to emulate in my own pack." Alpha Ares says and my chest warms. He's quite observant.

Soon enough, we get to the training ground where practically almost every able wolf is in practice. This rule where every one practices has left almost everyone strong and the chances of being hurt or kidnapped has greatly decreased.

I watch as two wolves spar, one a muscular male with bulging muscles and tall, towering over his female opponent who is the complete opposite of him. She's petite and on the shorter side. I watch as they spar and even to my surprise, she wins.

"Wow, I really thought she was done for." Alpha Ares says and I nod in agreement.

"I didn't really think she was doomed but I thought she wasn't going to win. She's doing good." I grin, realizing my pack is getting better. The thought leaves my heart singing.

I feel Alpha Ares stare and I turn to look at him.

"When are you planning to interrogate that rogue?" He asks and I grin.

"It's okay to let her believe she's free for now. She'll worry herself with anxiety wondering when I'll come for her. With fear coursing through her, it'll be the perfect opportunity to strike." I grin and his eyes widen, mirth and mischief playing in them.

"You are wicked Alpha Summer, I like you." Alpha Ares declares and I'm left shocked and quite tongue-tied by it.

I offer him a small grin and his eyes flood with emotions I can't understand. I stare into them and I see his wolf rush to the surface to stare back at me, in bewilderment and almost awe.

"Awww, you guys! It's like your are planning on making babies with your eyes." Amusement alight their tone and I already know who they are.

Ares' eyes flash, an annoyed look rushing through as he turns to stare at the grinning man right behind us. An awkward looking Micah stands next to him, his eyes staring anywhere but us. He must have caught the look in the Alpha's eyes.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I have some things to do. Micah can lead you back to your cabin." I rush as I walk away ignoring Beta Roan who's staring at me with amusement.

"My ship already took sail, I see." I hear him tell his alpha as I dash to the pack house.

What's wrong with me?


My steps echo quite loudly as I take steps down the small stairs, taunting the only living being down here. Rogues barely attacked tis pack and for so long this cells have been empty, except for a few times where  few of them would stray in looking for food. Logan was quite unsympathetic when it came to those. I watch as my claws sharpen and I claw at the empty cells making sure the clanking noises echo loudly through the prison cells.

"Ohhhh....What's your name? I can't call you rogue, rogue." I grin as I take steps towards the cell located just at the end, dark and untidy.

"I'm sure you thought you'd escape and right now you'd be having the time of your life. Or you'd be dead because chances of being caught were quite high, right?" I stare at my claws and blow the slight dust that has accumulated from clawing at the cells.

I stand just outside her cell and watch as she squirm, her dark eyes glancing around the cells and her chained hands and feet trying and hoping for ways to escape, palpable fear hitting me in waves.

"Your fear is delicious, gorgeous. I can't keep calling you pet names though. What name were you given?" I ask, my dentals out for her to stare at, a bit psychotic.

"Maisy. My name is Maisy." She whispers as she finally relents and slumps, hope leaving her.

I cackle slightly, "Gorgeous name, Maisy."

"So Maisy, I know you know why I'm here. Will you tell me or will I have to beat, cut and dismember it out of you?" I say as I crouch down, coming close to her form behind the closed and silvered cell door.

Her eyes widen, fright taking part of her but she keeps her mouth shut.

"Beat and cut it is." I click,  "Asher, bring the tool." I yell and both my beta and Asher walk in.

"Let's begin."


I am not going to go in detail on what happened.

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