The boy on the block pt 2

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TW:Cuss words?
Mason's POV:
I walk away from Y/n and into my house I run up the stairs and knock on Brooke's door "Come in!" Brooke yells as I open the door and quickly close it and sit next to her on her bed "What?" "The new girl next door she just moved her a-and I think I like her" I say quickly "Woah slow down you think you like her but you just my her?" "Yes" I say without hesitation"Uhm okay? Do you think she likes you back?" "I don't know"
"Well you should hang out with her for now and then confess later on" "Okay bye" I say running out of Brookes room running down the stairs and out the front door I knock on Y/n's front door Y/n opens it "Hi mason can i help you?" God her voice is beautiful "Oh uhm do you want to hang out?" "Sure why not come in!" She says welcomingly I walk in "Let's go to my room" "Uhm okay" I say walking up the stairs with her she opens the door to her room "Ladies first" she says bowing "Hey I'm not a lady!" I say giggling "I'm joking but anyways let's go in!" "Okay!" I say as I trip over air "Fuck" Y/n bursts out laughing "Are you okay?" She says still laughing"Mhm" I say getting up

Sorry if that was long or short I don't know I don't really make long stories if you want to see me make longer stories go/download chatie and search up "Gallagherfam" words:270

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