That's not the case anymore. 

It's absolutely lashing rain. The pitch is covered in big muddy puddles. I'm seriously not dressed for this weather. I'm wearing black leggings and a cream sweatshirt with my black jacket and runners. My jacket is already soaked through and I can feel puddles in my shoes. 

The team are doing the warm up so I decided to go and sit inside to warm up a bit before their actual training starts. I really did intend on going out to help afterwards I just didn't think I was need pes for the warm up and used the opportunity to try and not die of hypothermia. This turned out to be a very bad idea. Terrible idea. Worst idea you have had Eleni. 

Coach walks in and if looks could kill I would be dead. I just stare at my feet. What else can you do ?

"I'm not sure what that little teacher of yours told you but I highly doubt she told you to sit your lazy ass inside" 

"I'm sorry"

"I don't care if your sorry, that's not good enough" "go run laps with the team"


"You heard what I said get running"

I slowly stand up and put my hood up. I can't run to save lives never mind do laps with people who can actually run and do so on a regular basis.  I slowly make my way over to the sidelines. My hair is getting wet at this point. My hand are going a shade of purple from the cold and my nose looks like it got attacked by Rudolph himself. 

So I start jogging. 

Im roughly half way up the pitch with the rest of the team being way ahead of me They turn around to jog back down the pitch. 

I've never been more embarrassed in my life. 

Jake and his friends see me and burst out laughing even pointing at me. I can't hold in the tears. At this point it doesn't matter because the rain is  going in my eyes anyways so I can't tell which are tears and which are raindrops. Now I can't see anything. 

I try to keep running past them as not to embarrass myself. When someone grabs my arm. 

It's Oliver. 

He pulls me back, so I get the hint to run in the same direction as the rest of the team. I turn around. Then he completely slows down his pace so that he is running beside me matching my strides. I run up and down one more time with Oliver beside me the whole time before coach blows the whistle. Thank god. My legs are like jelly. I go to sit down on the sideline benches.  

I look up and see Oliver looking at me. I mime "thank you" to him. He responds with a small nod. That's a win in my eyes. 

I'm just about to leave when coach stops me. 

"Well done today Sanders".

 I could hug him. He will never know how much that means to me. 

"Thanks" I say, he gives me a pat on the back before walking away and shouting "you better not be late to the game tomorrow you hear me". 

All I can do is smile. 

Archie kindly drops me home and I run inside. I shower and wash my already soaking hair and get changed. I run down to grab Muffin and get into bed. I feel a bit better than I have in a while. That's a change. 


What does one wear to a football match ? I've never gone to one before. I'm not sure how I managed to avoid them for so long. 

Rainy training 

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.


I don't know how I feel about this chapter. All the povs are kinda short. Anyways. 

Coach is a softie on the inside. 


HiddenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz