13: "Signed Dokkaebi Contract."

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They didn't know how much time passed. Breathing was often interrupted and all their muscles were so stiff that they could barely move them.

Y/N: "Gotta...hold...on..."

[A few constellations admire your will to survive!]

[The constellations have sponsored you 100 coins.]

But he persisted the most out of everyone.

Y/N: "I can't lose my grip...my adventure can't end this soon. I have this child to take care of, I promised her mother i'll take care of her...."

 Dokja persisted because he believed he could hold on. The light emitted from the thorn in the darkness confirmed that they was alive. After confirming the falling temperature of the stomach wall, they was convinced that he was dying.

[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' admires your spirit.]

[The constellation has sponsored you 100 coins.]

When Dokja was hungry, he placed his tongue to the end of the thorn.

Y/N held Kiara up to the thorn so she could drink the liquid, he would be fine for a little longer. 

The condensed fluid that flowed out contained the life force absorbed from the ichthyosaur. The reason Dokja drank the mucus in advance, and Y/N holding Kiara up was to absorb this concentrate.

[Your stamina has slightly increased due to absorbing the power of the ichthyosaur.]

Kiara: "Dad...my stamina increased..."

Y/N: “That's good, just keep drinking.”

There wouldn’t be a immediate effect of her stats level increasing, but by the time they escaped from the ichthyosaur, Her and Dokja would gain at least two levels in stamina.

It wouldn't work at a higher level, but this was one of the few tricks he could use to raise her Stamina without having her use her coins. It was the same for Dokja.

Y/N: “Dokja's probably thinking ‘This was all I could do. I was just an ordinary reader. I wasn't a protagonist. It felt like I would wake up screaming in bed at any moment, but no such miracle happened no matter how much I blinked.’ probably thinking about his mom too…I share his thoughts all the same about this entire situation.”

They fell asleep whenever the liquid on the floor drained away and woke up every time the cold river water entered their mouth.

Finally, the ichthyosaur's digestion stopped. The warmth of the viscera suddenly cooled down and the elastic stomach lining gradually solidified. Thus, they could be sure.

He died.

Bihyung: [...You both really are great.]

A bright light in the darkness. Bihyung's dim figure was floating in the air.

Bihyung: [Using the stone hog's thorn like this. I never even thought about it. Constellations, isn't it the same for you?]

Bihyung looked at the stone hog's thorn emitting a faint light.

Bihyung: [The stone hog is a guy who mainly lives on the coast and feeds on small sea species. They insert the thorn into the skin of the prey but I didn't think it would be used to plug up the openings for the digestive juices...]

Bihyung's shining eyes weren't looking at them. The words weren't an explanation for them either.

[A few constellations are smiling as if they already know.]

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