Home sweet home

Comincia dall'inizio

Kevin had his phone held up in the air." It's Edwards mom, Malachi you were right he was the one who shot you.it was all Andrews idea too"

Mike stared at me." Andrew is also dead,shot by the cops for being aggressive. Edward turned themselves in by calling the cops."

They told me everything and my dad stopped the music.

Sydney came out the bathroom and had heard everything."what-"

"Dead huh? Why do I CARE WHEN MY SON ALMOST WAS DEAD TOO?" My dad started screaming.

"Dad! Dad ! Wait a minute! Wait-" I started having trouble breathing on the last part I rushed back to my chair and my mom ran over to get the oxygen tank.

My dad rushed over as well o make sure I was good.

Everyone was watching me,I hated this. I really hated this, this is not fun. It's not funny,I haven't even cried about the situation. Now I'm angry and upset,I can't be healed until months from now.I have to do online school,I don't even remember what it was like to be normal. I don't mean to complain Lord as people go through worse,I'm glad I'm alive but gosh. This is gonna be a long 5 months.

Be still and know that I am God.

I'm still,father.

Once the air was going well,my friends helped me upstairs. They laid me on my bed and then left because they had some business to attend to.

Sydney had left too,but Aaliyah stayed. In fact my parents left us in the bed room alone together to give us some privacy.

"Are you comfortable?" She asked

"Better then that bed in the hospital."I joked.

She laughed a little,I was glad I could still keep her smiling.

She looked at me with hesitation, she looked as though she was rethinking her thoughts.

"You think you can sleep good tonight?"she says after giving my arm a slight squeeze.

"I'm scared the machine is gonna go out." I stare at the ceiling. I could tell she didn't take that lightly,as her facial expression looked disturbed.

"Malachi please." She looked around.

"No I'm serious,like what if it just stops?" I kept going.

"Malachi!" She darts her eyes toward me,and now I was looking at her face instead of the ceiling. She was crying.

"I'm sorry Aaliyah,me and the boys we just joke like that so I- I'm sorry." I grabbed her hand with my one and gave it a tight squeeze.
I should not have been joking like that at all. Firstly would God even react if I said that to him? And secondly she witnessed my historical moment,how could I joke about that?

"I see what you mean though,I would be scared to sleep too" she was looking down.

"My parents are gonna be by my side the first few days don't worry." I smile at her.

We sat in a moment of silence before she spoke.

"I want to show you what iv learned." She pulls her phone out, showing me her notes app.
"Wow this a lot." I scroll.

"Yeah." She laughed a little.

"You even put some paragraphs about how you applied it to your life." I say impressed.

"Ah I like this one." I began to read it. "This girl was getting on my nerves,but I avoided conflict by watching what I said. I made sure I thought before spoke." I smile at her."very common."

She smiled "yes it is."

"What Bible verse is that from ?" I say thinking for a moment.

"Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Ephesians
4:29?" She says quickly.

"No." I say still searching for it.

"lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin. Proverbs?"

I look at her and frown a little." No-"

"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James?"

"Yes,that's the one." I looked at but scared that she knew that word for word. That was kinda impressed and weird.

"You learned a lot." I look back at the ceiling.

"I did my home work." She sounded proud."oh by the way my father is gonna come talk to you I don't know when but yeah." She shrugged.

I nod and smile."I'll be waiting."

"Good now I'm leaving I have to get back home." She says and with a goodbye she left.

God keep your daughter safe,so that she may arrive home. In Jesus name amen.

Picking up where I started.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora