My albino child responded POLITELY might I add "What do you mean?" Yeah suit guy, why you being a bitch all of a sudden? "I mean, quite using a DAMN SKATEBOARD! That's CHEATING!" Cheating? He just came prepared dude. Kill them said "How's that?"

"How?! This is an ENDURANCE TEST! THAT'S HOW!" Green haired kid the piped up saying "No it's not." To which tall man said "What are you babbling about now Gon?!" Oh, so that's his name. "The examiner only said we had to follow him and that's all." You tell him my child!

"HEY! WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON ANYWAY?!" Wow, trying to guilt him into back you up? Cowardly. "Hey, how old are you?" Killua said to Gon. "12 years old." Yep this is now my new adopted child. Killua then quit using his skateboard and ran next to Gon. I think they'll get along. "I think I'll run for a little while." "WHOA! COOL!" Gon said with a laugh following shortly after.

"My name's Killua." "Hi, I'm Gon!" EEEE SO CUTE! I guess I'll finally say something. "Making friends Killua?" I said to him. "Hey kid, my name's Kurumi. I heard yours already, Gon right?" I asked. "Yup, nice to meet you Kurumi." He's so polite. "Same here Gon."

Tall man started lagging behind, darn I was hoping to find entertainment in him. Suddenly Gon stopped and waited for him. Hm, so kind "Hey, forget about him we have to keep up." A little bit after Kill said that suit guy started shouting and ran super fast. Maybe he will be interesting.

Gon was smiling and using his fishing pole to get the left behind suitcase. Killua shouted "That was awesome! Can I try that later?" Gon replied saying "Sure, if I can try your skateboard." We started running up the stairs when all of a sudden Satotz picked up the pace. Just great, I hate stairs and the big chance of tripping that comes with them. "Good thing I took of my platforms, or I probably would have twisted my ankle on these stairs."

Killua and Gon decided to race. I told them I wouldn't race for the prize, but I'd keep an eye on them to see who won. Tall man is now shirtless, I guess if it works it works. Blondie then said "Are you okay Leorio?" Ah, that's suit guys name. "I'M GREAT! I'VE NEVER BEEN BETTER!"

I smell bull shit with a hint of sarcasm. "IF I FORGET HOW STUPID I LOOK, IT'S A WHOLE LOT EASIER TO KEEP GOING!" Loud much? Jeez. They kept talking, but then I heard Leorio say "What's up? First phase to easy for you, so you gotta make it harder? Save your breath Kurapika. You're gonna need it."

Hm so that's his name. I started focusing on Gon and Killuas race again. So far they were tied, though I did hear about Kurapika's... Rough past... And leorios' outburst, but it wasn't my place to interrupt. After the two stopped talking Killua and Gon started to pick up they pace saying "See you at the finish line!" And "See you later old man!" To which Leorio said "HEY, I'M NOT OLD! CAN'T YOU TELL I'M A TEENAGER JUST LIKE YOU?!"

Everyone was shocked at this peace of information. "Really? I thought you were an adult around my age? I'm 19." I stated calmly, to which everyone minus Killua became even more shocked. After everyone got over the shock, Kill, Gon, and I resumed the race.

The two started talking, I listen in but said nothing until... "What about you?" Killua asked, referring to why Gon was here. "Well, the thing is my dad's a hunter so I decided I was gonna be a hunter just like him. NO MATTER WHAT!" So determined, I have decided to go on adventure with him. I shall protect now, no matter the cost.

Killua then said "Hm, so what kind of Hunter is he?" "No Idea!" Gon responded. "That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard! You want to be the same kind of Hunter as your dad, but you don't know anything about him? That's nuts!" Killua said with a laugh. Gon then went on to say things about how he never really met his dad in person, which means he has a deadbeat father.

The fact that his aunt raised him meant I could adopt him or at least try to gain slight parental rights, but I'd rather just let Gon decide how he views me. The exit to this boring ass tunnel finally came into sight, and the two boys immediately dashed for the end. I kept up right behind the two, to see who would win. They tied, darn. Now who was gonna buy dinner? I guess I could?

They started arguing, I let them settle their issues. They asked me who won, to which I said "I'm pretty sure it was a tie." Then they asked Satotz as an extra input. "It is as the lady said, you crossed the finish line simultaneously." Before I could offer to buy them both dinner instead to stop a possible argument Gon said they'd buy each other's dinner.

It worked out for me anyway. We were allowed a breather before we were to continue the torturous path ahead. Which forced me to put on my platforms again. The fog started lifting, and Satotz started to explain the terrain in front of us. Blah blah blah, must cross the swamp to get to the second phase blah blah blah.

Then he started warning us about the dangerous animals ahead. Got it, do not pick up a random kitten because it could be a trap. Then the tunnel closed, and then Mr. Talk a lot examiner continued with the warnings.

Just before we were to start following him again, some weird looking beat up guy came around the corner screaming "Don't let them fool you! THAT MAN IS LYING TO YOU!" Sure buddy, sure he is. Broski then claimed Satotz was an imposter and that he was the real examiner. Which made no sense because why is the 'real examiner' out here already?

Bro pulled out some monkey man for proof, saying Satotz was a man faced ape and that the body was one as well. Then cards flew out and 3 pierced 'the real examiner' while 3 other cards were caught by Satotz. I knew those cards, Hisoka. "I see, I see. That settles it then. So you are the real one." Thank you, I may want to punch you sometimes but that was helpful.

"The examiners are hunters, each is hand picked by the exam committee to do this job without pay. Anyone who holds the title we're vying for ourselves could have deflected that attack, and quite easily I might add." Hisoka explained. "I shall take that as a compliment, thank you. Still, should you choose to attack me again for any reason, I will have no choice but to report you for attacking an examiner and have you immediately disqualified."

" Is that clear?" Satotz threatened. "Of course." Hisoka replied. Satotz then explained what the ape dude was trying to do. With that wrapped up, we began the treturous run through the swamp.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, here are some nicknames for the characters we have just met.
Kurapika- pika/Blondie
Leorio- Oreole/Mr. Oreo
Gon- green child/green bean

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