Chapter 1

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February, 2006.

In the vibrant atmosphere of the lantern festival, Satoru, Suguru, Shoko, and yourself, all seventeen years old, were exploring the various booths. The enticing aroma from a coffee stall caught your attention, prompting you to suggest grabbing some americano.

"Suguru, let's buy some americano," you said, playfully tugging at his uniform, knowing both of you shared a fondness for coffee.

Not one to be left out, Satoru, while casually draping his arm around Suguru's shoulder, chimed in, "Suguru, let's just get some mochi. Don't waste your money on that americano; it probably tastes like shit—"

Unable to hold back your disdain, you interrupted, "You're the one who looks like shit—"

Satoru shot you a glare. "You kiss your mom with that mouth?"

The audacity of bringing your mother into it! Such disrespect.

"Shut up, Gojo," Shoko, usually reluctant to get involved, finally spoke up, defending you. After all, your mom was her aunt too.

"You eat pussy with that nasty mouth?" you shot back at Satoru.

When they go low, I go lower.

Both Shoko and Satoru gasped with widened eyes. On the other hand, Suguru laughed. "I'm with Y/N on this one, Satoru. I'm kind of sleepy. Coffee is a great idea."

He then took your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. "Hold my hand, don't get lost in the crowd, Y/N." he said, offering a sweet smile as he led you away, leaving Shoko and Satoru behind, still recovering from your unexpected comeback.

Turning back to face Satoru, you stuck your tongue out at him, relishing in the victorious banter as you walked away hand in hand with Suguru through the lively festival crowd.

"Y/N, do you want to share the americano with me?" Suguru asked softly, aware of your tendency to get a mild headache from too much coffee.

His considerate gesture left you wondering how you hadn't fallen head over heels for him yet, he was, after all, the most thoughtful person you knew.

"Yeah, sure," you answered, placing an order at the stall, specifying the sugar level and ice to match both of your preferences.

As your coffee arrived, Satoru appeared with Shoko, carrying a bag of mochi. Shoko, already indulging in her own treat, offered you a piece. Without hesitation, you accepted. Despite being distant cousins, you and Shoko were close, and you genuinely liked her.

You didn't mind her playfully shoving the mochi into your mouth, her sweetness mirrored the treat itself.

"It's yummy," you managed to say, your mouth full.

After swallowing, you offered the americano to Suguru, who promptly took a sip from your hand. Using the same straw as yours, bearing your lipstick stain, he abandoned the other straw you had taken for him. The exchange felt intimate, a simple yet meaningful act of sharing that made your cheeks turned red.

As if Satoru, your archenemy, didn't like to see you happy. Suddenly, his body collided forcefully with yours, causing the coffee to splash onto your white shirt.

Earlier before leaving, your had taken off your uniform after school, opting for a regular white shirt with the school skirt.

"What the fuck, Gojo?" you exclaimed, suppressing your anger.

"Hey, that wasn't my fault! Someone pushed me from behind." Fortunately, it was the truth. The crowded festival made Gojo, who wasn't using his limitless, get bumped and unintentionally collide with you.

"Yeah, but you still are the one who bumped into me. At least an apology will do," you said with a broken mood. Thanks to Satoru, the americano, which wasn't even half finished, now lay wasted.

"Ask the one who bumped into me then. I have the right to get an apology too. That way, we can both get apologies from them," he justified himself.

You gritted your teeth, seriously questioning what was wrong with this guy.

"Whatever, I'm going to search for a public bathroom," you said angrily, leaving the crowd. Right now, all you could do was try to wash off the coffee, hoping the stain would disappear.

"Satoru, you're wearing a shirt under your uniform, right? Go lend your uniform to Y/N," Suguru commanded.

"Why me?" The white-haired man asked, confused.

"Because we don't wear a shirt under, and you do. Also, you're the one who made Y/N get splashed with coffee, so you better be a man and lend your uniform," Shoko explained, growing impatient with Satoru.

"Exactly," Suguru added.

Satoru sighed in defeat. "Fine, fine, I'll find Y/N."

As Satoru spotted you wandering like an idiot in search of a bathroom in the alley, he approached. Suddenly, a group of gangsters surrounded you.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing alone here?"

One of them whistled. "Come play with us, sweetie."

"You wish," you retorted with a hateful stare.

"Aww, come on. Don't be so high and mighty, you literally look like a whore displaying your bra like that. Bet you intentionally splashed yourself," the gangster said.

You wanted to punch him, but you were outnumbered six to one. Under your skirt, you had a small knife to defend yourself.

Satoru, however, stood back, watching the scene unfold. Instead of intervening, he observed how you would handle the situation.

"Get your hands off me, you jerk!" you yelled when they tried to touch you inappropriately.

You took out your knife and fought back. Two of them fell, leaving four more. However, their collective assault overwhelmed you. Two held your limbs, while another took away your weapon.

Your cursed technique proved ineffective in this situation, you could only heal yourself, rendering your ability useless.

When they tore your shirt and you screamed, Satoru suddenly appeared in front of you, swiftly dealing blows to the assailants. He didn't let them catch a break as he knocked them down, declaring victory.

Sitting on the ground with only your bra and skirt, holding back tears, you tried to appear strong in front of Satoru.

"How will you even fight curses out there if you can't fight them?" he remarked.

In your defense, you didn't bring your main weapon, and your role was more of a support. What else was he expecting you to be?

Satoru threw his uniform to you, leaving him with a snug black shirt.

"Wear this."

"Why?" you asked while covering yourself with his uniform.

"Don't get your hopes up, it was Suguru's id—"

"Why did you do nothing?" you asked again, this time more pointedly. You sensed his energy from the beginning, he could have intervened.

The white-haired man scratched the back of his head uncomfortably. "Look, at the end, I still stepped up, right? So don't hold a grudge on me, okay?"

"You jerk,"

"Your welcome," he said, offering a hand for you to stand up, which you slapped away harshly.

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