He looked serious now "Aria you can't see him anymore I'm being serious you not allowed" I scoffed "you starting to sound a lot like him" Sebastian didn't look so happy about what I said "what do you mean I sound a lot like him" I was sitting up and his arm was around the seat. His face was turned to the side of my face but I could tell he was pissed "like Neo you starting to sound like him" he smirked and made a very hot chuckle not that I care. "One thing I know Neo was a jerk who only wanted sex I on the other hand am looking out for you especially for a girl I'm serious about"

My head stayed to the side and Sebastian didn't say anything else. He started putting my bra on and shirt seeing as I felt uncomfortable sitting half naked. He on the other hand stayed shirtless. I traced the snake tattoo behind his ear and he only stayed silent. "I won't see him anymore I promise" he turned his head towards me and placed my hand on top of his chest "I can't lose you not again, I already lost you too Neo I can lose you to Sirius" my heart softened at he's words "you won't I promise" I placed a kiss on his cheek but he grabbed my face to give me a kiss on the lips.

"But I do have something to say" he leaned his head against the seat just staring at me "I did agree to Sirius I'd go to his gig tonight" his head shot back up giving me a "what the fuck" look "you not going though right" I gave him a look and at this point he threw his hands up in the air "fine but I'm coming with you" I agreed it was either that or nothing.

"We should probably get back inside the group will get skeptical of us" Sebastian was putting on his shirt now "I don't think they would care for all I know Max is probably saying we having the best sex of our lives" he got his jacket out and placed it around me seeing as it looked breezy outside "true but we didn't do much though" he nodded and got another jacket for himself "but we didn't say anything about tonight"

"Sebastian you cheeky boy" he smiled and placed a kiss on my lips "well let's get back in there I could use something to eat right now" we were walking and I felt happy with him.

Maybe I'm not interested Sirius and I was just confusing myself. I love Sebastian and it is final.


Sebastian was sitting on my bed watching me apply lipstick to my lips "I don't see why you have to make yourself pretty for his gig" Sebastian wore a white button up underneath his leather jacket with a few of his buttons undone "I'm just wearing a dress Sebastian nothing to big of a deal" he sighed and got up standing behind me "well you look good that's one thing I can say and I can't wait to take off this dress tonight so yeah that's two things" he placed a kiss on my shoulder before placing a necklace around my neck.

It was pretty. It had a red jewel in the middle that sparkled once in contact with light. I turned around and kissed him before thanking him.

"We should get going don't want to miss Sirius big gig" Sebastian said more in a taunting tone "we don't have to stay long just for his gig nothing else" he nodded and grabbed my hand before walking off out the door.


The place was pretty packed and Sirius was already performing, he was really good and the music was great for all I know. Sebastian stood there with both he's hands in his pockets just staring at the stage.

"They not bad if I must say" he was bobbing his head slightly to the beat of the drums and I was clapping my hands in a beat. The performance ended and Sirius saw me giving me a big smile but that smile disappeared once he saw Sebastian.

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