Chapter 11 - Lips with medicine

Start from the beginning

„I remember that! Or when he forgot lyrics to his own song" Seonghwa hit his knee „We went to his concert together, we were at the backstage, and halfway he forgot them and stood there for a while in silence while his fans were cheering and singing for him"

Dae started to laugh with them, even Yeosang did. San was holding his chest and Seonghwa trying to catch breath, Yeosang's eyes were as smiley as his wide smile while laughing.

"Mings a funny person" Yeosang stated

"Hell yeah, we love him" San agreed

"Sounds like a nice person to be friends with" Dae chuckled

"He is... he is" Seonghwa sighed "I appreciate him much and I hope he knows about it well"

"Wait shouldn't he be back? How long can it take to ask one thing?" San asked and looked at the big wooden clock

"My Father don't like long chitchats so he should be here any second" prince looked at Yeosang "How are you now?"

"I don't know, I know there's no way he can undo the law. But I still have some hope, but even if the King is going to agree to this, then we need somebody else to do it. I'm not sure anyone would like to take this on their hands" Yeosang inhaled deeply

"Leave it to me, I'll find somebody, and if not then" San shook his head "Then I'll take this for you"

"No San you can't. It'll ruin your reputation" officer tried to be strict

"I promise you we will find somebody, but we can't plan now since we don't even know if there is anything to plan" Seonghwa said calmly

"I hope Mingi will do well. It feels a bit like in some action book where everything depends on one conversation" Dae smiled to them and San replied with wider smile

After almost an hour they heard footsteps. Mingi opened door and came to the room, San immediately stoop up same as Seonghwa. They stared at each other questioning, Yeosang looked at Mingi helplessly with an upside down awkward smile. He still had a bit of hope in himself. Mingi was standing there, he has sunglasses on his hair and with a head movement he smoothly made them fall on his nose.

"I did it" Mingi said with his deep voice

"What? Really?" Yeosang stood up and came closer to him "Are you serious?" his eyes were wide open

"Yes, you have to find someone for your place, and I did this permanently. So you can never kill anyone" Mingi said and Yeosang hugged him

"Okey I'm going to find somebody for your replacement, come with me Hwa" San said and rushed out of the door, Seonghwa closed them behind them and rushed with him

"I need to go and finish the paperwork, thank you so much Mingi, I'm gonna treat you with tasty meal" officer said happily and left

Mingi and Dae were alone in the room, he went behind her to a long cabinet. She approached him, and started talking.

"How did you success? They said it's almost impossible for the king to agree to such a thing" Dae asked him

Mingi wasn't paying much attention to what she was saying and started to pull something out from a cabinet. A big bottle of whiskey could be seen in his hands. He opened it with one twist and took a few sips. He wiped his mouth and leaned over the girl, taking something out of his pocket.

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