The Discovery 1/2: Memories Brought Back

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Blurry, disjointed words were all that penetrated Kara's foggy mind. She was a speck of sand in the torrent of memories flooding her mind, visions that were probably hidden in her subconscious all along. 

Memories of days filled with devouring book after book.Of waiting for Dad to come back home. Of being gifted with a ring that could turn into a trident. Of training with her trident. Of naming it Sunny, for the soft sunlight it could generate. Of realising that she didn't remember her early life. Of  confronting her father about it and being satisfied with what he told her. Of hours spent talking to her dad about her birth mom and finding out that she had a sister, Arundhati, who was named after the Goddess of the Stars. Spending days fantasizing about meeting her. 


Memories of slowly realising that her room had no windows. Of beginning to doubt her father's true motives.

And then, finally, meeting her sister, Arundhati. Except...

Aru was a captive. Kara's attempts to bond with her were met with suspicion. Suspicion of her father that Kara began to share.

Experiencing betrayal at the hands of the only one she knew. Feeling like it was her fault for not trying hard enough.


And then, finding a new family. Finding a place where she belonged. Truly.

 Aru, who eventually warmed up to her. Mini, who was always kind, even though Kara knew that they must distrust her, as the Daughter of the Sleeper. Brynne, the headstrong girl who had grudging admiration for her fighting skills. Rudy, who could honestly only be described as 'chaotic good'. And... Aiden Acharya. Everything about him was exactly what she wanted. Of course she fell for him. 

Reminisces about shyly working up the courage to tell him about her feelings. Finally doing it on Aru's 15th birthday, only to find out that he liked Aru. 

Feeling her heart crack under the tsunami that were her insecurities.

Inadequacy and heartbreak twisting into something else...


Becoming what she hated and betraying the ones who could have become her family for the one who betrayed her first.

Helping the Sleeper. 

Cracking the dome and nearly killing herself trying to do it.

Finding out the whole unbroken truth. 

"what's........happening........... her?....."

White hot fury coalescing into pure, black hatred. The shining shard of light she called Sunny flying from her hand and its pure, golden light turning sunset orange.

Garuda pronouncing her punishment. Saying goodbyes.

"WAKE HER!!!......FAST!!" 

Walking into the light.

aaaannnnnddd- CUT

Will Kara keep these memories?

Meanwhile outside this frenzy......

The Daughter Of Darkness:~ The Beginning of the Second Warحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن