MD Vampire AU Part 1

Start from the beginning

I could go outside- just long enough to hurt.

The teenager shook her head, that was the dumbest idea she'd ever had.
At the same time though...if she stayed undercover...

Screw it I'm gonna die anyway

Uzi brushed back her dyed purple hair and straightened the ends. She put a thick black hoodie over her purple crop top and winter tights below her black short's. Next she put her grey trainers away and slid on her black platform boots.
She'd changed in her room, so made sure to give the camera the finger as she slid on her final item. A grey and black striped beanie.

Speeding through the halls of the colony, Uzi quickly reached the doors. A few people asked her what she was up too, but she just used the 'my dad is Khan' excuse.
It didn't help that Uzi had loaded up her backpack with blades and wooden stakes. The latter of which was visible through the top of the zip.

Nervously Uzi made it through the final door and into the cold exterior of her planet. It wasn't completely frozen, and Uzi had even heard of a warm location on the other side, but she was glad to be wearing her hoodie.
The girl wandered into the deserted city. Everything was stained with blood, and a few emptied corpses laid scattered on the snow.

It was horrific, but Uzi had prepared herself for this unintentionally her entire life with all those horror films she watched.
Still, the girl shuddered at the sight of her fellow humans, piled up and scratched- disregarded as if they never had thought.

Uzi found a fallen tree lying flat beside a frozen fountain. This would have to have been where the rich people lived. Worker humans were lucky to have a bush near their apartments, and basic water from the nearest tap.

Sitting on the tree lazily, Uzi reached into her bag and withdrew a sharp stake and a knife. Using the blade she began to sharpen the wood further. Until she was sure it could pierce through a person. Then Uzi lifted the blade again, but aimed for her own arm, she prepared to feel the slice but saw something speeding at her.

Terrified she threw the blade down and raised her stake, but the being slammed into her. Knocking them both down to the ground in a heap.

What the heck..?
As she opened her eyes, Uzi saw what seemed to be a person on top of her. He was heavy, and far taller than her, so she couldn't shove him off easy.

She didn't have too though, as the person quickly
rose himself and slammed his hands down on Uzis, his knees pushed her legs into the snow and he put all his weight on her.

Stake still in hand, Uzi tried to stab the being, but found she couldn't move any limp. Terrified, Uzi looked up at her capture, who had the grin of a madman. She could see his sharp fangs as his face hovered above hers.

Despite the situation, Uzi bit her tongue and pulls on a stone face- if this vampire was going to kill her. She was gonna die brave.

But the vampire didn't strike, instead he stared at her, grin slightly slipping as he felt her scarred writs.
The being's smirk fell quickly, and the golden eyes that had been glaring with animalistic energy at her seemed to twitch. Uzi noticed his golden slits becoming regular retinas in his eye sockets.

His silver-white hair fell loosely from below his hat, and he seemed to be dressed in military uniform, but with yellow and grey shades opposed to green. As he propped himself above her, Uzi noticed his muscular seeming physique and just how tall he really was.

Against all better judgement. She blushed.

The monster released his arms from on top her, but stayed almost sitting on her legs. He looked different, concerned rather than hungry, caring rather than cruel.

Uzi stared blankly up at him, waiting for him to bite down- or tear her to shreds. Instead the vampire began pulling up his left sleeve, and displayed his wrist to the girl.
He was far paler than any human Uzi had ever seen, but that only made the scars lining his skin more visible. Some glowed pink, showing age, others were fierce red, like they happened that day.

Silently understanding, Uzi sat herself up properly and looked into the vampires eyes. Unsure if he spoke English, Uzi pointed at herself with the creature in her lap.

'Uzi' she said gently, looking up at him.
The vampire tipped his head and smiled gently before pointing at himself.


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