I brush my teeth and go to wash my hands when I stop in my tracks. Looking down at my left hand I notice a ring, a diamond ring. I also notice my face wash, lotion, body mist, and makeup bag sitting by the sink as well. All of my stuff from my apartment.

I open the bathroom door and see Wilder standing in the same spot I left him, but with a blank look on his face as he regards me. I feel my chest rising and falling rapidly as I try to take in everything.

"Wilder." That's all I can say as my throat closes up from my emotions. I hold my hand up with the ring in a silent question instead.

"I had all of yours and William's stuff moved here yesterday. I told Ann you won't be moving back above the diner." I feel my mouth drop open as anger and indignation flow through me.

"You can't–"

"I can and I did." He interrupts me. "You're going to marry me and we are going to fill out the necessary paperwork to have William's last name changed to mine. Which is Brooks by the way."

"You're not giving me a choice?" My spine straightens, and I bare my teeth at him like a wild animal. I must not look as intimidating as I feel though, because he just smirks cockily at me.

"No, I'm not. You are mine and William is mine. You've had years away from me and I refuse to waste another second."

"What if I say no? What are you going to do? Tie me to the bed and lock me up forever?" I scoff, even as something in my chest warms at the surety in his voice.

"Sounds like a great fucking idea to me, Goldie. I'll keep you tied to my bed as my own personal fuck toy for all eternity if that's what it takes. We're end game, baby. We're a family and no one, not you or anybody, is taking that away from me." I ignore the wetness that pools between my legs and instead focus on how underhanded all of this is. He didn't even ask.

"I need some time before we jump into marriage and living together, Wilder." I try to reason with him.

"No." He shakes his head in finality. "That's not what you need and you know it. You're just scared and trying to put up walls to protect yourself, but what you fail to realize is that I'm the one person in the world you never need protection from."

I put my hands in my hair in frustration as I begin pacing the room in agitation. Why doesn't he get it? It's not easy to just go in blind and fully trusting someone in a manner of days. Trust takes time.

I'm pulled out of my mental spiral when Wilder picks me up and tosses me onto the bed. I let out an oomph when I bounce, but then he's there turning me over onto my stomach and pinning me in place with a hand between my shoulders.

"Stop fighting us so damn hard." He demands right before I feel a sharp sting on my right butt cheek.

My movements still as I feel the pain morph to a pleasurable warmth. "Did you just-"

"Spank your stubborn ass?" He brings his hand down on the other one and a moan slips free. "Yeah, Goldie. I sure as fuck did."

He spanks each cheek twice more before rubbing his palm over the hot globes. I feel my arousal coating my inner thighs as need like never before consumes me.

"Fuck, Goldie. You truly are perfect for me." He groans when his hand dips between my legs and discovers exactly what this is doing to me. "Now tell me why you're fighting us so hard."

"Wilder." I moan, while trying to rub my thighs together to ease the ache he's created. He doesn't let me though because I feel his big body come down in between my legs, preventing them from closing.

"Tell me what I want to know and I'll give you what you need, Goldie." He whispers in my ear, causing shivers to wrack my body.

"Please, Wilder." This is torturous and humiliating.

"Tell me, Goldie." I feel the broad head of his cock nudge at my entrance and my core clenches in an attempt to pull it in. When did he even strip off his pants? "Tell me what has you so scared."

He pushes in a couple of inches and groans when he feels exactly how wet I am. I screw my eyes shut tight in an attempt to block him out. He doesn't allow that though because he snarls before thrusting in all the way until his hips are flush with me. I scream at how freaking good it feels, but he doesn't move again. He just keeps me impaled on him and demands for me to tell him my fear without moving the way I need.

"Tell me!" He shouts. "This is fucking happening, Goldie. The sooner you tell me what the issue really is, the sooner I can fix it and we can move on with our lives."

"What if you leave me?" I whisper brokenly. I can't give myself fully to him just for him to leave me. It will break me beyond repair.

"Baby." He whispers sadly, turning my head so he can look into my eyes. "I will never leave you. You are my world, my life, my reason for fucking breathing. You and William both." He shakes his head. "Alex, you left me. You overheard something and ran without giving me a chance to explain. All these years apart we could have had together were because you left. Not me."

"I'm sorry." He's right, I was a coward and now here I am being a coward again. "I'm so sorry, Wilder."

"Just let me love you. Let me prove to you I'm not going anywhere, and I'll never let you go either. I'll always protect you, Goldie, even from yourself."

Keeping Her 18+ (Her Series book three)Where stories live. Discover now