Chapter 1

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A simple knock on the door can be a terrifying thing when given its context. A simple look of your peers can be the creepiest thing if its context is correct. Anything can be scary in the right circumstances. But should it be as such? Should some kid be scared by the thought of getting up for breakfast, and waking up to the disappearances of everyone you once knew and loved? Should anyone have to go through that fear?
Some wish they didn't have any fears, and some go the extra mile to overcome all they once were scared by. One of the worst places to get rid of your fear is a place with no one but your shadow. No one who knows or understands your greatest downfalls, and no one who even knows your name, If you ever even had a name to begin with. And sadly, there are people who live in such a place. The residents of Kowagaru Orphanage.
In Kowagaru Orphanage, no one has a name except for a six digit number that's ingrained in your skin. The closest thing to a name the children have is a nickname given to them by their peers. For example, the small child 108251. She was given the nickname Ruby. Her sister, 108252, was given the nickname Sapphire. The two don't know if this was their name before coming here, but they can't remember it. The two have trudged along day and night, hoping that one day they'll wake up from this hellish nightmare they believe they are in.
Speaking of Ruby, and Sapphire, they live in a room with two other children. 592047, or Peridot, and 370289, or Amethyst also live with the two. Peridot was recently moved here after being taken into the Orphanage, while Amethyst has been here since the start. Ruby, and Sapphire were recently brought in 2 years ago, and the two have found the others in the Orphanage to be their new family. These four live in room 9, also known as the Gem room.
Room 9 has little in terms of decoration, only having a few pieces of crushed rocks scattered about, and a mirror in the corner of the room. In terms of furniture, the room has 2 bunk beds, a drawer full of clothes, and a door that leads to a small bathroom. The bathroom has a Toilet, a sink, and a very small shower.
It is currently early morning, just a well enough time for everyone to start to wake up. The morning light starts to shine in through a single circular window located at the far end of the room. It shines just well enough to hit Ruby in the face with a bright light. Ruby lets out a nice long yawn as she stretches out, with her long dark hair coming down and getting in her mouth. She spits some of it out of her mouth, and smiles as she gets up. She is currently wearing a light pink nightgown, which has white outlines along the outskirts of the nightgown.
Ruby smiles and uses the small latter at the foot of her bed to climb up, and wake up Sapphire. "Hey, sis! Wake up, time to get dressed." Ruby says in a somewhat whispered voice. Sapphire groggily groans before saying "Nooooo! I wanna sleep for five more minutes." Sapphire then rolls over in her bed. Ruby snickers softly before continuing to shake her sister while saying "But you have to! Come ooooon! Get up, getupgetupgetup!!!" Making Sapphire groan loudly and finally sitting up.
"Fine! Fine, I'll get up. Jeez you make it impossible to sleep in. Not even giving me an extra minute!" Sapphire says as she stretches out, and Ruby giggles softly, before she starts to climb down the ladder, speaking on the way down. "Well duh! I have to make sure that you're as ready as I am for the day. Ahem, Amethyst! Peri! Wake up you two!" Ruby shouts to the other two sleeping teenagers. Peridot yawns and gets out of her bed, wearing a lime green nightgown. Ruby lets out a small puffing sigh as she looks up at the still snoring Amethyst. Peridot clears her throat before standing up and leaning over the top bunk. "HEY! Amethyst wake up!" Peridot yells in a demanding tone, making Amethyst let out a overly long, and drawn out groan while opening her eyes. "Fine, fine! I'm up, see?" Amethyst says while she grunts and leans up. Ruby sighs, and shakes her head as she then starts to head over to the wardrobe. "I can see where Sapphire gets her sleepy nature from." Ruby says, making both Sapphire, and Amethyst speak back to Ruby. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"
Ruby smirks as she starts to quickly get into her daily clothes consisting of a black and white school like uniform, with a red bow on her collar of the shirt. The uniform was quite formal, with long sleeves that buttoned at the end, and with a almost tuxedo like look to it that gave it the glamor it needed. The pants were a similar black color that went down to her feet.
The other's all started to make their way to get dressed as Ruby stretched out softly, and eventually walking out of the room. Ruby's gentle steps made it hard to fully hear her as she walked along the small hallway. The area around her looked old, with a drab light brown wallpaper that filled the walls. There was some stairs nearby that led to the other hallway filled floors. Ruby walked down said stairs, and descended into the mostly drab colors of the rooms, and hallways. None of the rooms seemed anywhere near interesting, however some rooms were in a small veil of darkness as the natural light never reached near the room, along with no candles lighting it up.
Ruby looked at one door near the third floor that sent a shiver down her spine for some unknown reason. It just gave her an uneasy feeling. After shaking off the weird feeling, She looked like she was going to continue down, up until she sees a boy, around her age, that stumbles out of a room on the third floor, near where the stairs are. "Ack! Dang door!" The boy says as Ruby smiles softly and walks over to him. Bending down, and holding a hand out.
"Hey, Tri.. Door problems again?" Ruby asks with a slight smile. The boy, also known as Triangle, smiles and holds onto Ruby's hand. The two quickly work together, and allows the boy to stand up. "Y-Yeah. It's lock just isn't any good. I keep telling Square about it, But he never fixes it!" Triangle says, directing the last part of his sentence to the inside of his room. A faint voice is heard from the room, in a annoyed tone it says "Yeah, I'll get to it later! I have more important things then a simple lock at the moment!"
Ruby giggles at this as she shakes her head. "Y'know he's never gonna get to it. He has such an active mind that always works on improving our lives." Ruby says as Triangle nods and smiles softly before walking back to the room. "You got that right, Ruby."         
The girl smiles as she starts her journey back down the stairs. She hears some footsteps behind her, and when looking back she can see her sister right there. The two smile and start to walk with one another. They managed to get to the bottom of the stairs, and they made a left turn to head towards the table area. The first pass by a living-like area with two couches, a few chairs, and a table in the Middle of the room. The two continued on, and got to the dining area, where a large 30 foot long table stands. Ruby, and Sapphire make their way to a group of chairs that look just like every other. Once they sit down, a few more faces show up. From Peridot, to Triangle, to some of the other children. 783234, or Square was there, along with 392694, also known as Purple. Some more children came along until the table was full of hungry kids, with all of them wearing similar, if not the same clothing. Once this happened, a tall woman walked in, a smile on her face as she stood over all the kids. She let out a single phrase. "Hello children."

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