Med School

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Author Note: I completely forgot to update this on Wattpad! This was been on AO3 for the past few months. I am going to be adding some more scenes in this story. I just love it so much. Thank you everyone! 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Sasuke placed a thermos full of coffee and a hot bagel in front of Naruto. The blonde had dark circles from studying most of the night. It was his second semester in medical school, and he was struggling to get used to the intense course load. The past two weeks had been brutal with back-to-back exams, and Sasuke was worried about the alpha. Between working and his coursework, Sasuke was worried he would get burned out soon.

It was still too early in the morning, the sun had barely risen, and the omega was exhausted, still in his pajamas, but that didn't stop him from wanting to take care of his alpha. He took a seat next to Naruto and massaged his damp scalp from his shower, "Everything will be okay. Don't overwork yourself." Despite trying to use a scolding tone, it came off too tender.

The blonde groaned and rubbed his temples, "I just don't want to fail us." He looked down at the thermos of coffee that was probably loaded with sugar, just how he liked it.

Sasuke flicked Naruto's forehead, "You'd never fail us. Your worth and our relationship aren't based on medical school. It's not based on your grades or however money you'll make in the future."

Naruto grabbed Sasuke's hand and kissed the back of his palm, "You're right. I just worry, you know? I want to be able to provide for us,"

"You worry about the dumbest things. Worry about your shit handwriting instead."

Naruto squawked, "My handwriting is great!"

"They should give you your degree based on that. You have a doctor's handwriting already."

Naruto pouted, "Don't be mean to me. I'm just baby."

Sasuke scoffed but rubbed his thumb under Naruto's tired eyes, "Okay, cry baby."

The omega glanced at the clock and stood up, "You should head out soon, you don't want to be late."

The alpha squeezed Sasuke's butt earning Naruto another flick in the forehead.

"If you do that then you're really going to be late."

Naruto waggled his eyebrows, "Later?"

The omega rolled his eyes, "Weren't you tired 45 seconds ago?"

The alpha's eyes darkened, "Baby, you know I can get it up for you anytime, anywhere."

"Oh, I know." He pushed Naruto's blonde hair back, pecking his lips, "Go on. I'll be ready by the time you get out of class."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

After Naruto's class, the couple headed to Sasuke's doctor. He needed to get his quarterly contraceptive shot. He hated that it left his arm sore for days after, but he knew it was a necessity.

"So, what brings you in today?" The doctor asked as she checked Sasuke's vitals.

"I need to get my contraceptive shot," Sasuke explained.

She reviewed Sasuke's chart again and paused, "You were due for it last month, not this month."

Sasuke frowned, "That can't be right – ". He glanced over to Naruto, who pulled out his phone. He scrolled through the app they used to track their appointments, heats, and ruts, and the alpha paled.

"Oh – she's right." He glanced at Sasuke, "I'm so sorry Sas, it must have been during exams. I probably skipped the alarm and – "

Sasuke grabbed the alpha's hand, "Breathe. I know we've been busy." He couldn't fault the alpha. He'd been trying his best lately.

"I can give you the shot, but it's policy that we do a pregnancy test."

Sasuke nodded, "I understand."

As they waited for the results, Naruto profusely kept apologizing, and Sasuke tried to calm the alpha down.

He cupped the alpha's cheeks, "Stop it. I'm the one that had you keep track of the app because I'm forgetful. It's technically my fault."

"But what if you're pregnant? It would be my fault, and I don't want you to hate me," Naruto's tone almost to the point of panic.

"It's just standard procedure, you know this. I'm not –"

The doctor returned and spoke in a professional neutral tone, "I'm sorry, we can't give you the shot because you're pregnant."

Naruto went pale while Sasuke's jaw dropped, "Oh."

"I'll be right outside if you two would like an ultrasound now, or you can also let me know to reschedule."

Sasuke nodded, unable to speak. He wasn't expecting this. It was too soon, and they always tried their best to keep their heat and rut schedules to prevent accidents. He took the shot. They did their best to prevent it, but –

Naruto knelt and grabbed Sasuke's hands, "I can understand if this is too soon. I know we didn't really plan this, but I'm willing to do anything I need to. I'll drop out of med school and – "

Sasuke scowled, "No. You're not dropping out of med school. You worked so hard to get there. Stop being a dumbass. That is not an option."

"But Sas – " Naruto's eyes filled with tears. He felt so guilty. He couldn't believe he'd been so stupid.

Sasuke rubbed Naruto's scalp, "Do you want this baby?" He knew he should feel more guilty and more scared, but with his alpha's presence grounding him, it was difficult to think past anything. All he felt was safety.

"If you want it." Naruto stared seriously into Sasuke's eyes. More sure than anything in his life.

Sasuke scowled, "Of course I want it!"

He blushed when he realized how quickly he responded and looked to the side, "You know I want a big family with you." It wasn't the first time he'd mentioned it. They'd spent long nights talking about the future and all of Sasuke's desires. Desires that Naruto always told him he would give him. He promised that he would give him the entire world, and Sasuke believed him. He knew that Naruto would bring down the heavens if he could just to make this world paradise for him.

Naruto blinked back his tears, "If we weren't bonded already, I'd ask to bond all over again."

Sasuke smiled, "Same here." He cupped Naruto's face and ran his thumb over the tired but excited eyes.

Naruto grinned and got up, pecking Sasuke's lips. "Want to see our baby?"

Sasuke's heart fluttered, our baby. He nodded, unable to express the emotions swirling in his stomach. All he could think was yes yes yes. He wanted to see them.

Naruto let the doctor know they wanted the ultrasound, and the moment Sasuke saw his baby on the screen, tears started streaming down.

Sasuke didn't bother trying to wipe the tears away, he didn't want to miss a second of seeing that tiny little ball on the screen.

"Wow." Naruto looked on in wonder, "They look just like me."

Sasuke rolled his eyes but couldn't wipe the smile off his face, "Yeah. Identical."

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