Chapter 17 ~ Meeting Federico's Fiancee:

Start from the beginning

Leon: Did you tell anyone?

Violetta: I couldn't because I was scared, she was going to kill me or do something worse.

Leon: Violetta, you should've told somebody what you were feeling.

Violetta: Leon please, one day at school she tried strangling me that's why I have marks on my neck because she burnt me with a rope whilst strangling me, so you might think you're having a tough time, but I had it worse mine nearly costed my life.

Leon: Did you at least tell your dad and Federico?

Violetta shook her head, and she broke down into tears and Leon cuddled her.

Leon: It's okay baby. *Kisses her forehead*

Violetta: That's why I can't go to that dinner and act as if everything is okay.

Leon: But she's changed now.

Violetta: What are you saying?

Leon: I think we should go to dinner with them and if she is cruel to you, I'll stick up for you, but I think you should go to the dinner.

Violetta: Do you think so?

Leon: Yes, baby it's the right thing to do, don't worry I'll be right there with you.

Violetta: Okay, I'll tell Federico we'll go.

Leon: Good, now I'm going to have a shower.

Violetta: Okay, I love you.

Leon: *kisses her forehead* I love you too baby.

He went into the shower while Violetta was on the phone to Federico, then Violetta went upstairs to get dressed, she saw Leon in just a pair of ripped jeans that were showing the top of his boxers.

Leon: Did you talk to Federico?

Violetta was daydreaming but Leon was trying to get her attention.

Leon: Babe?

Violetta: Uh, yes?

Leon: Did you talk to Federico?

Violetta: Yes, I did, they can't wait for us, and it starts at 8 pm.

Leon: Okay, babe I'm just going to the office for a while, but I'll be home soon, okay?

Violetta: You can't leave me alone, Leon.

Leon: Babe, I'll be back at 5 pm I swear.

Violetta: Don't be too late because we need to get there about half seven/quarter to eight.

Leon: all right just get ready before me, I only got to put a shirt on I'll keep my jeans on and my trainers.

Violetta: No way Leon you are not going in your trainers.

Leon: I am babe it's just a dinner Federico will be in his trainers don't panic.

He kissed her cheek and then left for the office, Violetta got dressed and went down for breakfast, but the door went open, when Violetta answered the door, she saw the same guy that came here last time now she felt like he was following her around as he was everywhere.

Violetta: Clemont? What are you doing here? *Lets him in*

Clemont: *Walks in* I came to see how you are.

Violetta: *Closes the door* Uh, I'm fine, why?

Clemont: *Turns towards her* Because I heard that you Leon argued?

Violetta: Uh, we did but we're okay now thanks for worrying about me, but you shouldn't come around here especially when Leon isn't here or even when he is here because you know what he's like.

Clemont: Look I don't care about him *Walks close to her* you are the one I care about and besides how do you Leon is at the office he could be with Lara.

Violetta: Stop, please Clemont your just my friend, I love Leon.

Clemont: *Pulls her close to him* I know you don't love Leon, or you do but you like me as well I see it in your eyes.

He leaned in and she leaned but realised what she was doing so pulled away from him.

Violetta: Are you insane? Why are you trying to kiss me? I'm married to an incredible man, and I don't want to ruin it by doing this with some jerk who just wants to break people's hearts, I told you we are just friends now get out Leon will be home soon, and I don't want him to find you here because I don't want to stress him.

Clemont left and Violetta closed the door behind him, and she leant on the door, sat on her legs, and cried because she couldn't believe what he tried to do she then knew Leon was right about him.

After a while ~

It was 4:30 pm, Leon walked in, but Violetta didn't notice him just carried on crying whilst watching the game show.

Leon: *Kisses her neck* Hey beautiful, why are you crying?

Violetta: *Sniffles* I was watching a sad movie.

Leon: *Looks at the TV* But babe you got a game show on, *Sits down beside her* you were fine earlier why are you crying now?

Violetta: *Sits up and turns the TV off* After you left this morning Clemont came over and we were talking and then he tried to kiss me.

Leon: *Leans his hand on the back of the sofa* He what?

Violetta: *Cuddles him* it was horrible, he wouldn't leave me alone, he doesn't understand that I just see him as a friend *started to cry* please Leon don't leave me I pulled away from him and then kicked him out, just please don't leave me.

Leon: *Hugs him back* Shh, it's okay.

Violetta: It's not though please don't do anything to me I promise I won't let him do anything to me, you were right about him he was always around me because he had a crush on me and I didn't realise till now.

Leon: Baby, calm down I'm not mad.

Violetta: Really?

Leon: Yes, I'm not mad.

Violetta stood up and talked for a long time, but Leon was interrupting her.

Leon: Baby, come here.

Violetta: *Went him* What?

Leon: calm down, okay? We are going to go to your brother's dinner and when we come home, I'm going to run you a bath and you're going to relax okay.

Violetta: Okay.

Leon: Then if you want to when we come back from your brothers, we can rest on the bed and we can watch any film you want.

Violetta nodded and just cuddled him tightly.

Violetta: You smell amazing.

Leon: I do? Never mind hugging me go up and get changed before you start stripping me.

Violetta: *Grabs his shirt* Would it be so bad?

She kissed him and started unbuttoning his shirt, then she moved her hand to his neck, and he kissed her neck, which made her moan she then put her legs on his waist.

Leon: Babe, get ready for the dinner.

Violetta: Okay, but this is not over.

Leon: No, but it is for now.

She went upstairs to get ready; Leon was putting his jacket on, and it was now 7:45 pm.

Leon: Babe, you ready?

Violetta: In a minute.

Leon: Babe, it's quarter to eight.

Violetta: *Putting her jacket on* All right I'm here.

They left for Violetta's house. 

Mrs Vargas will see you now. *Sequel to Forbidden Surrender. *Where stories live. Discover now