She came out of the bathroom in the towel wrapped around her body , such a milky milky body.

She still looks like she's in deep thought of something. She stopped at the cupboard and kept looking down.

I went close to her placing my hands over her waist. I kissed the back of her neck and then placed my head on her shoulder.

"Kaha kho gayi?" I asked in my Whisper voice.
She bumped in her place when she heard my voice.

She shook her head and continued doing something in her wardrobe. "I know you are tensed my sweetheart but I want you to trust me. You Don't you trust me?"

She turned around and placed her hands over my cheeks "I do trust you. But I'm just curious"

"Yeah I understand and you'll love the surprise I promise." I said.

She smiled at me and nodded. "Now get Ready"" I said.

She looked at me and my outfit. Her eyes were shining so bright when she looked at me. She had a constant cute smile and those dimples were taking my breath away.

"I look like a sexy husband?" I asked.
"Yeah you look sexy like my husband" she replied.

"Oh really. What's his name?" I asked her sarcastically. She touched my chest and said "It's Uhm- " and I saw her expression change which gave me instant butterflies.

"You don't remember his name?" I asked her.

She shook her head like a baby. I smirked looking at her and said "Oh. Remember the name you were screaming the other night?"

She raised her eyes and hit my chest . I saw her face turning red. "Wait how it was. Oh Aditya. Oh-" I acted how she was screaming my name and I just loved the way she was moaring out my name. I wanted to hear it every night.

She punched my chest again and said "Shut your mouth. Idiot" and left in the bathroom.

Those two days were not so good for me too but I had to keep her think that i don't remember her birthday.

The night she was not beside me , not cuddling me. I had a bad Panick attack. It was like my mumma turned and saw me , she waved at me and she disappeared. I kept calling her out mumma don't leave me here. Alone. I won't survive here alone. But the next sentence she said ,

"Don't worry Aditya , Ishika will take care of you just like I used to!"

I opened my eyes and climbed back on the bed. Sweat pouring down my chest and forehead. I immediately got out of the bed and went downstairs, I saw her sleeping peacefully on the bed.

I went and sat in front of her. I tucked her hair behind her ear and adored her sleeping.

When she's sleeping in my arms , I don't get panick aatcks or nightmares.

I sighed.

"Hey. What are you thinking about" I looked infront of me. My princess standing right in front of me. In the outfit which I had gifted her.

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