Chapter 7: Welcome!

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London, United Kingdom (2023)

Carlyn was on the way to the airport with her friends that wanted to send her off.

She was invited for Wolf'lo's mega crew mission. She was talking to Babysleek one time and she opened up about the mission and how she wishes that Carlyn was there to join her.

Fortunate for Carlyn, it was their long break and without hesitation, she decided to fly to Korea after she let her dance team know about her plans.

Once they arrived, they helped Carlyn put down her bags and went inside the airport. Carlyn is also extending her stay in Korea until the end of their vacation to bond with her family especially her parents.

They shared their farewells with each other until it was Carlyn's time to board.


Carlyn is now in the plane, she is in business class because that is what her parents booked for her. She told her parents that they could have bought economy seats for her but they insisted and didn't allow it as Carlyn's comfortability is the top priority especially it was her first time traveling from UK to Korea alone.


Seoul, South Korea

After 12 long hours, her plane finally arrived in Korea. 

If you are curious how she spent that 12 hours, she binge watched the available episodes of Street Woman Fighter 2 so that she'll be updated and will be able to relate in anything they'll talk about during her stay. Because knowing Babysleek, she knows how much of a sharer she is especially to those who are really close to her.

As soon as she's out the plane, she calls her parents to ask where they are because they promised to pick her up.

And after a few moments, there they are. Her favorite people are waiting for her,  excited. She ran fast to hug them and they hugged her back.

"Mom, dad! I missed you guys so much." Carlyn said.

"We missed you too, love. We're so happy that you visited us here. Should we call Jiyoung (Babysleek)?" Her mom said.

"Sure mom, I also missed her so much."

Her mom FaceTimed Sleek and after a few rings, she answered.

She looks like she's been practicing hard for SWF 2. And the place they're in was quickly recognized by Carlyn as the biggest studio her parents have.

"Jiyoung-ah, guess who's with us?"

"Yah, don't make me think, I'm in the middle of practicing for the mission right now. Oh how I wish Carlyn's with us, she would have loved our concept and choreography."

Carlyn smiled as soon as she heard her name out of Sleek's mouth. She quickly answered and showed her face which surprised Sleek, at the same time, excited.

"Who said I won't be there, mom?" (She has been calling Sleek mom ever since as she is her 2nd mother figure)

"My love! Why didn't you tell me that you're going here? I could have fetched you with your parents! I missed you so much, little girl"

"I missed you too, mom! By the way, I'm coming there to see you. I know that the shooting is happening in two days. I'll work hard for you and your team, mom!" Carlyn answered her back.

"Hey! You just came out from who knows how long of a flight. Do not force yourself to come here. Just rest. Your support is all that I need."

"But mom. I really wanted to. Please"

"If you promise that you'll not overwork yourself and rest well if I told you to. "

"Yes, ma'am."

" Then come here, I miss hugging you."

" Yey! Thank you, mom! I love you, see you!"

" We'll get going Jiyoung-ah. See you in a while." her parents said to Babysleek and hung up the phone.

Carlyn excitedly ran to their car and went on the backseat while her parents are just smiling and admiring their excited child.

-------------------- END OF CHAPTER --------------------

ON HOLD | her little champion | SDGF 2 Seo ChaehyeongTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang