Mission Impossible (Pt. 1)

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America POV:

We went inside the building with the bag. "Dobry wieczór, Austrio, (Good evening, Austria)" Poland greeted nervously, "Where have you been!?" Austria thundered, "Entschuldigung, we had to go to the bank," Germany lied. The rest of us glanced at him, "Y-yes and we are clients," Philip stammered, "Hmmm..." Austria hummed, "Okays,". "Thank you!" Poland said and we quickly got inside the elevator.

"WHEW!!!" We all sighed in relief, "That was nerve wracking," Iceland fretted, "Yea!" I agreed. "Let's get back on track now," Germany said and pressed the basement floor, "Why do they leave just chilling there?" Denmark questioned, "If anybody curious then their features are gone," Germany concluded. "I guess," Estonia murmured as the elevator went down its shaft and soft, childish music played.

"This elevator is creepy," Finish man squeaked, "I know right," I agreed, "Oh please, we go into this piece of $#*% EVERY DAY!" growled the Polish.

The elevator finally opened and there stood an eerie environment. "Damn," I gasped as we went outside of the elevator, "There are 4 paths..." Iceland stated, "Shall we split up into 2s?" Denmark suggested. We then started to split the gadgets among ourselves, "So who are y'all with and what path will you take?" Germany asked. I went with Philip (ofc) and went down the 3rd path.

"I hope we won't get into trouble," I mumbled, "We better not," The Filipino whispered back. Just as we were walking, "Omfg!" I groaned and too out some gadgets since there are randos in black. I tried to make one work but it wouldn't, "Leave it to me," Philip said and took the device from me, "I thought you didn't know how to do military stuff," I claimed.

She looked at me but she was different. Her sclera was black, her pupils were red as blood, and her red stripe was on top of the blue one. "You know what this means..." she growled, "Martial Law...", she then started to go crazy on the gadgets; earning many kills at once. I was a bit disturbed by the gore, I have never like that side of hers. "At least help a bit!" She huffed, "O-ok," I stammered and grabbed, "Just do what I do!" She laughed as blood spilled from their brains, "We just had to knock them out," I said and took out a baseball bat. "Alright," he sighed while grabbed a crowbar and we started knocking out the bad guys.

Finland POV:

Estonia and I are walking down the dimly lit path where we were greeted by lasers. "Oh fu-," I started, "Language," Estonia said softly, "Sorry," exhaled and looked back at the lasers. "So how are we going to do this," I questioned her. "Hm," she hummed and swished through the lasers without a fuss, "What the," I said in awe as I stood there in amazement of her flexibility. "Be careful," She said from the other side, I nodded and began to gradually move along.

It took me quite a while to get past one laser so Estonian danced along the obstacle and quickly grabbed me. Every time I thought I was going to touch a laser, she prevented me to do so and just kept going with her moves and soon we were at the other side. "You are amazingly good," I said, "I used to do ballet with Latvia and Belarus," she recalled and we went back to the trail.

Denmark POV:

"No!" Iceland yelped, "cereal IS a soup!", "It is not," I debated, "You know what, whatever". We were bickering at each other because obviously cereal isn't a soup, "Yea cuz we have bigger problems than that," he said, "Shuddup-," I said before bumping into an iron door with PIN code. "Hah," Iceland laughed, "Shut up, n¡gg@," I grumbled as I rubbed my sore head, "Yeah yeah," he snorted. I growled a bit and got up again, "So how do we get past this, smarty-ass?" I sarcastically asked, "Gadgets?" He responded.

I stared at him with embarrassment. I didn't think about that at all! "Which one?" I questioned. He picked out a random one and frankly it was a good one; an explosive. "Nice," Iceland sneered and put it onto the door. The bomb activated and started to beep rapidly, "G-go!" I stuttered and we ran a few yards away.


The bomb made a sound that was a loud as thunder, alerting a few men and women in black. "Not nice," I said and took out some more gadgets. "Let's go guns!" I crowed, "HEHE," Iceland wheezed.

We then started to go insane with the guns, "This feels good honestly..." I admitted, "Same," Iceland agreed, "I guess we are really brothers.". I looked back at the door and it was exploded and open wide where it continued with the path.

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