Chapter 49 - The Seelie Court

Start from the beginning

"Think of your task when you're there," Imogen said in her usual commanding voice, which automatically clenched my hands into fists. "No distractions ..." Her eyes locked on me. "No rash actions."

My mouth twitched, but Isabelle gave me another light nudge with her elbow as she turned her head to look at Jace. His golden eyes rested on me, silent warning within. You can talk, after all she doesn't hate you, I wanted to say, but instead pressed my lips together. One day I would get back at her.

Of course, Adam thought that this very moment was the perfect opportunity to join us. Jace's eyes narrowed as I felt Adam's presence on my left. I caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye and took three long strides in Magnus' direction, putting myself out of his reach. I heard Isabelle hiss something behind me, but then followed me.

"Why is he here again?" I asked Jace as he appeared next to us; loud enough for Adam to hear.

Jace crossed his arms over his chest and his eyes darted briefly to Adam, then back to me. His weapon-belt was filled to the brim with seraph blades and other weapons. The Seelie Queen would certainly like to see that. "My grandmother likes him," he murmured so softly that only Isabelle and I could overhear. "He and his family are considered impartial because they've friends across all factions on the Clave. They're pretty much what she thinks of diplomats. His parents have deep ties to the main Shadowhunter families in Alicante."

"How impartial can he be when he's been friends with Blake for years? He's lived half his life in the same Institute as him," Isabelle replied, confused. She gave Adam a long, cool look, which he returned neutrally, and then tossed her long hair in a haughty gesture.

"Blake and his family are known for their ... radical opinions and that Blake leads a group that continues to hunt and kill Shadowworlders despite the Accords is no secret in some circles. But Adam ..." Jace shrugged. "If he was ever part of that group, it was never made public. We don't know how deeply involved he's in Blake's machinations. All I know is that the Demonhunters also have powerful allies."

I gritted my teeth angrily. Adam had been friendly and approachable to me from the moment I had first arrived at the New York Institute, and I had thought the whole time that he could distinguish between my father's actions and mine. But what if he had never cared how much I had actually been involved in Valentine's machinations? What if all he had seen from the start was a new chess piece on the board that could potentially have a lot of influence among the Nephilim? What if he had only befriended me because he liked having friends in positions of power? Sure, most Nephilim despised me, but the Circle had been quite powerful once. Getting on good terms with everyone has always been a safe bet. The thought hurt more than I wanted to admit. Could this really be true? Did Adam really think that strategically?

The Inquisitor clapped her hands and I winced. A hiss echoed through the room and I instinctively took a step back as the portal appeared out of nowhere in a shower of glowing sparks. Magnus had his hands up and nodded at us. "The portal will take you near the Seelie Court."

"The fey will come for you, so don't move!" Imogen shouted over the whoosh of the blue portal, which seemed to draw in the air like a whirlpool.

"I'll go first!" Isabelle leapt forward, a motivated smile on her face. She walked casually towards the portal, then turned her head over her shoulder and stuck her tongue out at us before her character disappeared into the portal.

Jace stepped closer to me. "You or I?"

"Go," I said, jerking my chin at the portal.

Jace's golden eyes studied me for a long second, as if considering whether stepping forward was actually a good idea. Then he nodded and stepped through the portal.

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