Life of a Malfoy ch. 7

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I didn't care who Snape was! He couldn't boss me around and try to tell me what to do! It was like he expected me to turn into a perfect death eater, a copy of my father. 

I rounded a corner and took the staircase going up to the Room of Requirement. It was a Hogsmeade weekend tomorrow, but most of the shops were closed down anyway. Everyone was hiding from Voldemort, but mostly Muggle-Borns and Pure-Blooded Blood Traitors. Madam Rosemerta's, Zonko's, and a few other good stores were open.

I approached the corridor leading to the Room of Requirement. I heard a soft patter of footsteps behind me, and I turned around. It was Harry. 

"Yes?" I asked, sort of pushy, and sort of rude.

"You don't have any classes on the Seventh floor.." he said.

"You don't either," I pointed out, "So why must you be wasting your time following me?"

"Because I was wondering where you were going," Harry said.

"Did you think I was up to no good?" I snapped. "Did you think I was devising a plan with all my little death-eater friends to kill you? Because that's what your friends probably think."

"You don't need to jump to conclusions, I was just-"

"Worried about me?" I hissed, mockingly.

"Yeah, actually. I was," he said.

I had no retort to yell back. I just sat there, looking at him.

"You don't need to jump to conclusions about what i'm thinking, either," he continued.

"I....." I mumbled.

I turned to leave, because I couldn't take it anymore. My face was turning pink, and I was about to seriously cry. I opened the shiny doors and a hand reached out and closed the door. I turned to Harry and looked at him with tears in my eyes. He stood there, unsure of what to say. 

"Nobody understands me," I started in a shaky voice. "They either think I'm going to hurt them, or call them rude names or something-" I stopped, and bit my lip. I took a deep breath. "I'm tired of being that person, I'm tired of people looking at me like I'm going to turn bad any moment." 

"Everyone thinks I'm Dumbledore's boy," he said. 

"You are," I whispered, with a smile tugging on my lips. 

"That what I tell them," he said, and I laughed. He was grinning at me. 

"Why couldn't I have been in Gryffindor? Or Hufflepuff, that would have made my parents furious.."

"What did you say to the sorting hat?" Harry asked.

"I said that it was my destiny to be a Slytherin, and conquer the world with my brother." I frowned. "I said stupid stuff, and begged the sorting hat to put me in Slytherin. He said I would have done well in Gryffindor, like my father." I shook my head. "I don't get it. My father was in Slytherin. The sorting hat was wrong." 

"No." His expression was puzzled. "The sorting hat is never wrong, but it does take your wishes into account." He grabbed my wrist gently and lead me towards the staircases. Everyone was in classes, so the corridors were deserted.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see."

I took the sleeve of my free arm and patted my eyes to make sure they were dry. I sniffled a little, then took a few deep breaths.

We reached a stone gargoyle.

"Acid Pops," Harry said. He lead me up some stairs that were now ascending spirally to the top. We reached a huge door, and Harry knocked.

"Come in," a voice said from inside the room.

Harry took the large handle and opened the door and lead me into the room. He dropped my wrist and I looked around the room.

It was the Headmaster's Study, or Dumbledore's Study. There were large paintings on the wall of old Headmasters and Headmistresses. Most of them were snoozing, but a few of them were talking to each other.

I nearly jumped as a bird landed on my shoulder. When I looked up, Dumbledore was walking down on the steps that were on either side of the study, leading up to his desk.

"That is Fawkes, my phoenix." Dumbledore smiled.

Harry stroked the phoenix, and it tweeted affectionatly while nipping my ear.

"Dri- er, Alexandria wants to talk to you about something.." Harry said. Fawkes flew off my shoulder. 

Dumbledore opened his arm leading to the desk, which had three chairs sitting in front of it. He walked up to his desk and sat down, gesturing to the seats in front of him. Harry and I walked up the stairs and sat down in front of the desk.

"You may begin," Dumbledore said quietly.

"Well, I was thinking about something, what the sorting hat said to me.." Dumbledore nodded, and I continued. "I was sorted, but it was after Draco was put in Slytherin. I wanted to be with my twin more than anything, so when the hat touched my head I was talking to it, and trying to convince it to put me in Slytherin.

"It said I would have made a great Gryffindor, like my father, but my father was in Slytherin. I kept on begging the hat to put me in Slytherin. I wanted to be with my brother, and make my family pround! But I was wrong," I said.

"And why is that?" Dumbledore asked.

"Because I don't belong in Slytherin, and I never did." I looked at the sorting hat on the wall and it smiled.

"Right you are," the sorting hat said.


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