"You and Madeline have been good sisters towards her. In fact, she's very talkative and completely understanding." I say complementing how strong Megan is 

"She truly is. I mean we sisters have to stick together right since it'll only be us in the end." 

"Yup! I agree." 

Our small talk ended there, just swinging as we hear the swings squeak, we ended up walking back when we saw my mom walking towards the kitchen, both hands rubbing her temples as she grabbed herself a cup of brewed coffee. 

"How was your sleep mom?" I ask, greeting her 

"It was okay." She says, smiling at Alaine, who greeted her good morning 

"How's dad?" I ask, still knocked out on the couch but this time his legs were showing while his blanket covered his top body. 

"He probably needs some Advil and some hangover soup." Mom informs, sounding like this wasn't the first time they did a sleepover 

"Mom made a batch of hangover soup." Alaine says, moving towards the fridge and getting a container 

"Oooh!" Mom says, "That's perfect." 

"I can go heat it when he wakes up." She says smiling and putting some into the bowl 

She returned the hangover soup container in the fridge, leaving the bowl of hangover soup beside the microwave. It was close to 2 pm, when tita Dianne and dad joined us, Alaine, Megan, mom and I had already finished eating lunch while tito Caleb and his wife decided to eat lunch in their next door neighbor's house. 

Dad finished the bowl of hangover soup that Alaine heated for him, complimented tita Dianne on how it still tasted the same when they were in their college years. She laughed while mom helped Alaine wash dad's bowl, Alaine had offered him some camomile tea which he obliged while mom and tita Dianne went to the patio chairs to have their girl to girl chat. 

Dad kept himself busy by reading today's daily news and talked about how his older brother Michael, is working for Apple who is looking for interns, said that I would be a good fit to create a psychological app that I can pitch to them once I finish college. I mentioned to him, how that was a great idea but a challenging one, said that Tito Michael can help me create the UX and UI once I decide to make it. 

We left tita Dianne's family home around five to head home and rest, Alaine and I decided to give each other phone numbers to text since she will be my plus one to the makeup launch party. I composed myself in front of her and her family members, but I couldn't help my excitement, the drive home was quiet, dad dozed off again in the back while mom was looking at the window talking about how cool her and dad was when they met back in college. 

She mentioned how they would always be invited to the college parties, but they controlled themselves ever since I was born. I parked the car in our garage, locking the front door, and letting them go into the house first. They grabbed a pitcher of water to bring to their room, telling me that they were gonna head to bed early and that I will just order food for them. 

The days were slow and the week consisted of meetings for the podcast, the launch party and me getting over Sabrina. Sabrina, was my ex girlfriend, a girl who I've been crushing on since freshman year, she was one of those girls who would always get booked for modeling jobs. She was a gym junkie, would always eat clean, would wear the trendiest clothes from Zara and Mango but still was super down to earth despite how beautiful she looked. 

I scrolled through our photos on my phone, deleting all the memories we've made together, from being nominated as prom king and queen, to winning it, to going on beach trips with our friends and most importantly, to our first date. Memories of us gone and wiped out from my phone, despite all that, Alaine and I would send memes that we saw on Instaglow, and dating tips since she was still new at dating Zach. 

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