Before she could walk out the door, Hanni pecked her lips and pinched her cheeks. "You can do this, love"

Minji mouthed back a thank you and fully left the dorms to meet up with the old man who was sitting comfortably in his seat. "Good afternoon, sir"

"Yes hello, Minji. Please have a seat" He gestured to the chair in front of his desk.

The leader did as so and secretly fiddled with her fingers.

"I assume you already know what this is about, correct?"

"Yes sir..."

"I expected better from you as the leader, Minji"

"I know, sir"

"You know our country isn't as accepting, right? It pains me, believe me it does, yet I've seen how a few idols have struggled after coming out. So it'll hurt to see you in the same position"

"But I'm not like them, HYBE sir. I literally don't care what I people think of me. Isn't that the motto we're reaching for in most of our comebacks?"

"I'm glad you're embracing your values but I'm just looking out for you both. Especially Hanni as she has trained the longest. I love every one of you deeply not as a ceo but as a father. I remember you talking to me about your tiny crush on Hanni that soon grew bigger until now. I'm kind of impressed with your patience, by the way" Hybe smirked that made the leader blush.

"That crush turned into love, sir. I don't think I can control it anymore"

"And that's okay. That's what love does to everybody. As risky as the situation sounds, I'm actually really happy for you both"

Minji's ears perked up. "Pardon?"

"I've never seen Hanni so bright. That girl is usually so shy and closeted with her feelings but she suddenly became this walking sunshine after you got together. I want to say thank you for taking care of her, Minji, you did very well"

"So what does this conclude to?"

"Well...If you two are determined to keep this going, then so be it. Be mindful of the public and whenever you're ready to let the world know, give me a ring and I'll help you out with it"


"Of course! I'm not HYBE for nothing"

Minji jumped up from her seat and bowed repeatedly towards the older man, making him chuckle. "Thank you so much, sir! You don't understand how much this will mean to me and the girls. You're truly one of the best!"

"Don't sweat it, Miss Kim. You are dismissed"

"YEEEEEEESSSS!!" Minji screamed through the dorms, startling her members.

"How did it go?" Hye asked.

"I don't think we need an answer" Haerin replied as Minji ran to pick up Hanni and spin her around.

"Ahhh Minji!" The carried member laughed.

Setting her girlfriend back on her feet, Minji continued to hug her like a koala. "HYBE said as long as we are, and I quote, determined to keep this going, he's happy with whatever we do! Isn't that amazing!"

The whole group cheered along with the leader and decided it was great to celebrate with a few drinks. Only Hyein had to stick with a caprisun.

2 hours later...

"OMY OMYGOD~~" Danielle sung her heart out, barely having the ability to stand still.

"Danielle, that was bad timing-"


"Minji, you're the leader, what do you have to say about this?!" Haerin turned to the eldest girl who didn't look any better.

"NEW HAIR, NEW TEE NEW JEANS ,DO YOU SEE?!!!" The leader screamed, wobbling around with a an almost empty bottle of Strawberry Soju in one hand.

"My girlfriends are drunk, oh my.." Hanni face palmed with Haerin.

"It's getting pretty late, by the way. Lucky we don't have any schedules tomorrow otherwise those two are fucked" Haerin informed, standing up to collect her dazed girl. "Grab your girlfriend, Hanni and keep her in your room for the night. There's no way she's gonna go up that bunk bed"

"Got ya, Ms Lee. What about Dan? Are we just gonna leave her alone in the room?"

"Yeah, might as well or else Hyein will sulk if I ditch her"

"I'm right here, you know!" Hyein scolded, taking the last aggressive sip of her caprisun.

"Anyways, goodnight Hanni~ Goodluck with Minji" The older giggled before dragging her girlfriend and Hyein upstairs.

Hanni looked to her side and found Minji passed out on the floor. "For god's sakes"

The younger approached her girlfriend and pulled her up to her feet. "Come on, you light weight. Time for night nights"

"But I don't want night nights! I want Hanniiiii" Minji slurred, poking the latter's cheek.

"You're so silly"

After a few minutes (what felt like hours) of struggling, Hanni managed to push her bedroom door open and gently lead the drunken leader to her queen sized bed. "Come on jagi, don't be a pain"

"Honey~" Minji called.


"Let's have sex"

The bold order almost sent the 01 liner into cardiac arrest. With widened eyes and hands flailing around, Hanni tried her best not to stutter and look like she wanted it more than she already does. "N-No! Not in that state you're in, at least"

"But baby~"

"Time for bed, goodnight!" Hanni rushed, pulling the thick covers over the both of them.

"Cuddles?" Minji pouted with arms open wide.

Giving into her cuteness, Hanni melted into her lover's embrace and snuggled up against the crook of her neck. She could smell the soju radiating off the older latter but that didn't bother her too much. "Goodnight, Jagiya" The younger whispered, only to receive the response of her girlfriend snoring.

"I love you"


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