"We'll get through this together"

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⚠️ TW ⚠️

Yn : morning mum

M : morning sweetheart can you grab me my shoes and help me put them on please

Yn : sure mum
( you do that and then you hear a smash coming from the living room which make you jump )

M : it's ok sweetie your dad came back last night
he's been drinking so please keep your distance from him

Yn : I will ( it's nothing your not use to your dad can get frustrated and end up lashing out at you
so at times like this you know to keep your distance )

Yn : do you want some breakfast mum

M : yes please sweetie can you grab me some cereal and a cup of tea I think I'm just going to stay in today I'm not having a great day the pain is intense didn't sleep much last night

Yn : oh I'm sorry mum you should of told me I would of come and kept you company

M : oh no sweetheart you need sleep you do enough for me as it is

( you make her cereal and grab her crutches and help her to her recliner chair next to her bed )

M : thank you sweetheart

Yn : it's ok what do you want to watch

M : just the usual

Yn : ok ( you put it on and head to the door )

Yn : I love you call me if you need me

M : love you to sweetheart

( you head downstairs and hear your name being called )

Your dad : GET ME A BEER

( you know it's best you do that quickly so you rush to the fridge and grab one can )

Yn : here you go dad

( you begin to walk out )


( you instantly feel proud of your sister you miss her immensely and all you can do is watch her on the tv as your dad monitors your phone and last time you tried to message her lets just say it didn't go well and you ended up in immense pain )

( you rush upstairs and put the tv on to watch your sisters game you start to cry , you and your sister had a very close relationship before that night )

⚠️ ( Flashback to that night ) ⚠️
⚠️ T W ⚠️

9 am

Leah : right I'm heading to camp I'll miss you so much *your nickname* make sure you watch me on the tv and call me everyday , I love you

Yn : I will I love you too

( your mum and dad enters the room )

M : bye sweetheart make us proud we love you

L : I'll try

D : bye sweetie we're so proud of you

( they hug and then Leah leaves )

* 2 days later*


( you run to your mum and call an ambulance )

( the paramedics arrive and take you and your mum to the hospital your dad meets you there )

( they rush your mum to surgery and your dad arrives )

D : Yn sweetheart what happened

Yn : I don't know she just suddenly shouted for me to call an ambulance she was fine all morning . Dad is she going to be ok ( you start to cry )

( he immediately hugs you )

D : It'll be ok I'm sure she'll be ok we'll be ok we have each other we'll get through this together

( a few days later they diagnose your mum and discharge her and you are all at home )

Yn : dad did you tell Leah about mum

D : no and you mustn't either give me your phone

Yn : what why

( he chucked his beer at you and it's cuts your hand you immediately give him your phone )


( you're in shock, but don't want to argue as blood streams out of your hand as you run out of the room you see a pile of empty beers on the side ,he sometimes has a beer but not that many you realise he's drunk and run upstairs and do as he said )

( back to now it's been 11 months since your so called disappearance your sister still try's to find you but the police won't help as your with your legal guardians so you not technically missing,
Leah still doesn't know about your mums disability or your dads drinking all the football girls still try all the time to get back in contact with u , your disappearance hit them all hard especially lotte and alessia as you were closest with them )

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