𝟬𝟬𝟳. A new Boy-Friend??

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September was just starting, but now looking back..you were already sick of it. Taking care of Sae was a journey in its own right, but your mother expecting a baby in possibly a few days?
You needed some fresh air.

So that's exactly what you did.

At least..that is what you thought.

"Where are you going?" Sae's voice rang out through the living room. Staring at you with intent, trying to figure out what exactly was your game plan for today. Your Maine coon "Miko" was currently purring at your feet. She circled you in a way that made you feel caught. Which was scary in its own little way.

You shook a bit at the type of duo they both became, always seemingly to catch you in the act. "I'm going for a walk..I'll be back"

Sae gave you a stern glare in response "You said we'd play soccer this week" he stepped closer with each word before he was just inches in front of you. He looked up at you judgmentally. Miko let out a small 'meow' in agreement.

The sick little shit, you would have never picked her ass up from the street all those years ago if you knew she would pick sides.
"I'm taking a walk Sae, and I said this week not today." You said stepping out of the circle Miko called home before putting on your shoes.

You ruffled his hair before opening the door, "I'll be back soon. Kay?"

"Hmph" Miko let out a dissatisfied mewl before trotting back on over to sae.
"Alright love you!"
You shut the door on him once again.. just like a particular chapter.

The small boy flushed before walking away from the door "Nee-San is so weird..isn't she miko?"
The cat purred in content before making way to her corner of the house once again.

It was a random park, very random indeed. How you ended up in this neighborhood? Not even you have the answers to that question.
You walked aimlessly, at truth. It was a little bit windy but nothing that couldn't be handled.

A few birds, a cat here and there, a small stall you picked up teriyaki from, nothing beats this type of routine. Which was the initial thought before your teriyaki was snatched out of your hands
The culprit? A soccer ball in all its glory. 'a soccer ball...just..took my teriyaki? am I finally reaching insanity?...oh my god, is this the world getting payback for not playing soccer with Sae?' what you failed to notice was that there was a voice calling out to you.

before you was a young boy, most likely around your age, with messy blonde hair almost completely spilled over his shoulders with a generous shade of blue to shade his eyes. He was only a little bit taller than you, but other than that he seemed worried at your downcast expression. If the boy didn't see what the soccer ball did to your teriyaki, he would have thought he hit your dog and killed it on the spot!

"Geht es dir gut? Oh Gott, habe ich dich irgendwo getroffen?!" at this rate he was shaking with despair and worry. Snapping out of your senses, you realized he wasn't exactly speaking Japanese, and by the time he finished spluttering, he probably had a self-realization he wasn't exactly speaking Japanese either. Now, you weren't any language on a star, but you were smart enough to know this kid was probably German or something.

But from the worry in his voice, you could at least pick up that he was probably asking if you were ok and a hint of extra sorry's in there. "uh.." you didn't have much to say, but being on your second life did have its benefits, for you studied a bit of french and german here and there. Though French was much easier you were grateful to have at least put a bit of effort into learning German. "Mir geht es gut, danke?"

The blonde boy looked surprised, which worried you by a hell tone. Did you say it right? oh shit, did you accidentally curse him out? he gave you a small smile before waving and picking up his soccer ball to run off to..wherever he was beforehand.

 𝗘𝗦𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗦𝗬 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora