I clenched my jaw..

Hanni's POV

Minji dropped me down my office this morning since I left my car yesterday. Ugh, my body hurts alot. We had sex for hours and we also had a shower sex.

I smiled at the thought.

My employees noticed me smiling. So i just bowed down. I blushed..

Stop thinking of the naked Minji, hanni.. Its inappropriate...

They might think you are crazy for smiling like an insane lady..

But I can't help it. Minji is the sexiest ever when naked. Her tattoos, her muscles, her scent, her attitude. Everything about her turns me on...

I have to focus on work today.

We have an event coming. And It's not good to get distracted..


Minji texted me 2 hours ago that she's just gonna do something. Well, it's better than nothing. At least she's trying her best,right?

I have to finish all these paper works coz I still have to go back to my apartment. We decided to live together on Minji's apartment so she'll fetch me at 5pm so we can go to my apartment to get my stuff there.

I already miss her. Ugh..

My phone vibrated.

It's from teahyung, he texted me. I don't wanna read it but I already clicked it.

"Hanni,can you come?! My sister met an accident!"

It's like a bucket of ice poured down at my head when I read the message.. I immediately called teahyung.. My hands are trembling, I am panting.

What happened to her?!

"teahyung, where are you?!" I asked." What happened to Minji?!"

"Car collision.." He answered."I am here down the basement parking. I am waiting for you. So we can both go to tha hospital.. She needs you.."

"Okay,wait for me.." I quickly stood up and rushed outside. I told my secretary that there's an emergency.

"Minji, please be safe.."I can't even think straight, now.. I'm so nervous. I might hyperventilate.."

I looked for teahyung at the basement parking.

"teahyung?" I called for him

"Hanni..." teahyung got down a black car. Is it new? I don't fucking care. All I care about is Minji!

teahyung is wearing a black hoodie and black gloves and black pants. I looked down and he's wearing a black leather boots.. This is a first time seeing him wear something like those. He's into pastel and lively colors..

My nervousness got worse.

"Hanni, let's get going..." He tried to grabbed me but I immediately stepped away. He stopped and looked at me.

He knew that I knew.

"You....." I said.

He grinned at me.

"You are stupid enuf to go down here but smart enuf to connect all those dots in a split second..."

"You, know about me and Minji... I said while slowly stepping away.

"Well, yeah, I know for some time now..." He's slowly approaching me.

Im wishing.. I hope there'd be a car passing here so I can call for help.

TouchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora