The Devil Hunter

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Niero Verada sits within his recently purchased room at the Dancing Horse Tavern and Inn found in the city of Neverwinter arguably the most notable city on The Sword Coast of Faerûn and the most recent place he's found himself passing through in his crusade against monsters ghouls and anything else that goes bump in the night. His specialty, though, is Demons and Devils.

Moonlight shines through the window, bathing the room in an ethereal glow. The only other source of light being a small candle sitting on a cupboard that's nearly burnt out.

Niero, leaning back in a chair against the window lost in thought, blows his long white hair (a contrast to his young face) out of his eyes.
Nieros' long black and red leather coat rests on a hanger built into the rooms front door. Adjusting his black shirt and standing up, he stretches his legs concealed with black leather pants and boots. He makes his way to his bed, which had been messily put together. On it is a lies his bandolier. He puts it on and equips his two double barrel bladed pistols, which glint in the ambient moonlight.

He makes his way to the door and slings his coat over his shoulder, and grabs his large sword that had been leaning against the wall. Pushing open the door with his foot and stepping out into the hall, He slides his arms through his coat and sheaths his sword on his back.

"Alrighty, let's see what we got this time," he mumbles under his breath as he reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a small note that he collected from his contract box earlier today. On it is simply an unmarked address in the city and the name Fredrick Starlingard.

"I suppose someone decided to take the mysterious route then. Which is never a good sign. I can't turn down something mysterious, though can I."

He puts the note back in his coat pocket and makes his way out of the tavern and into the city

Stepping onto the cobblestone street, he casts a glance upward, noting the stars that twinkle in the dark sky, a sight unmarred by the glow of the city's lantern-lit streets.His sharp gaze scans the thoroughfare, taking in the varied facades of the buildings-some ornate and grand, others weathered with age and history.
Walking down the shadowed cobblestone streets, he keeps an eye out for anything suspicious or unusual, such as figures looming in the dark or figures watching from vantage points, but at the moment everything seems rather quiet.

Turning a corner down an alleyway Niero pulls out the piece of paper once more, his eyes skimming over the address. "Looks like it should be right about here," he says to himself in the silence. Nieros eyes dart around the alleyway looking for any sign of his client. Attempting to spot any sort of entryway or obscured door. At the far end of the alleyway, he notices such an entrance a door boarded up at the window

"Jackpot," he remarks as a smirk forms on his face "lets see what we've got here." He steps towards the entrance, but before he reaches it, he notices figures darting around in the shadows. As a tension falls over the alley, he places his hand on the hilt of his sword. "Isn't this shaping up to be quite the gig?" he quietly mutters to himself.

"What's with all the secrecy, fellas? Planning a party without inviting me? Hope it's not too late to RSVP (Rune Sealed Vow Of Participation)! He remarks, raising his voice.

The figures step out of the shadows and come into view. The figures are dressed in impeccable suits and formal wear their unnaturally pale skin seems to shimmer under the dim city lights.

"There you are, a fashionable demon quartet gracing us with their presence. You should have told me this was a formal affair-I would've brought my fancy coat." Remarks Niero, who's now poised for combat

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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