In The Basement (We Find The Things We Love)

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Karlach chuckles in response, shrugging lightly. "So long as they're happy, I guess," the Tiefling responds. "Though, I've no idea if I can stomach anymore of their dramatic antics."

"You guys are missing out on loot!"

You suddenly peek your head behind the door, evidently surprising the two women to silence.

Shadowheart's eyes are wide, her lips formed into a thin line as she chuckles an awkward laugh. "We'll be right there." She was really playing her nonchalance up, even adding finger guns.

The cleric cursed internally to herself.

Fucking finger guns.

"Don't worry about us, soldier!" Karlach calls out, a whole lot more relaxed and casual than Shadowheart.

You nod at them and begin to turn back inside the room with Astarion. But, you poked your head behind the door for one last time, for good measure. "No calling dibs on my pile." You say mischievously, raising a pointed finger at them both.

Shadowheart holds up both her hands in mock surrender. "Understood."

With a smile, you turn to leave them to their own gossiping session, no doubt talking about you and Astarion again. You don't know why they don't just do it in front of you. You don't mind hearing their thoughts about your relationship anyway, and it's not like their gossiping is any less obvious.

Shadowheart can sure keep a lot of secrets, but she sure as hell can't lie. Nevertheless, you let them be. It's harmless, anyway. And, terribly amusing to watch them fumble for excuses- Shadowheart specifically.

You slide yourself next to Astarion, rummaging through a sealed crate.

"What have you got there, my love?" Astarion curiously asks whilst picking the lock of an ornate chest.

"Just some baubles and trinkets, nothing too special. None of the rings are imbued with anything, I think." You reply, pocketing all the things you find in the crate.

Astarion finishes picking the lock a second later, revealing an amulet that's positively brimming with magic. You and Astarion look at each other with wide curious eyes.

"What do you think it does?" You ask him.

"Something stupidly powerful, I hope." Astarion answers as he stuffs the amulet in his pack.

"We're going to have to consult Gale-" Astarion groans in annoyance. "-I know, my love. But, you know he's the only one out of all of us who can distinguish different kinds of magic."

The vampire petulantly rolls his eyes, even slumping his shoulders to further dramatize his annoyance for Gale. You giggle in response at his antics. You press a kiss on his cheek in consolation.

His mood immediately lightens, as if your little kiss could fix any problems that plagued him.

Perhaps, it really does.

"Before I forget, darling," Astarion speaks, taking something out of his pack. "I found this on one of those shelves and I wanted you to have it."

Astarion holds out a small music box. Its base is dusty, but the design beneath the dust looks quite intricate, golden swirling patterns carved into a rich sort of wood by the looks of it. He passes the music box onto your open palm.

You hold it delicately in your hands, carefully twisting the rusty crank on its side. The two dancing figurines on top turn slowly while the twinkling music plays. You recognize the song- it's an old Baldurian lullaby, sung by mothers to calm their crying children.

It's one your mother sang to you as well.

You look up at Astarion with bright eyes, a twinkle of happiness in them that he wants to treasure for all his days.

"Thank you," you breathe. "It's beautiful."

Astarion hadn't realized that giving such a simple gift would make his chest twist and ache with a fondness so painful he wanted to throw up. He's positively sick with love.

"Not as beautiful as you, of course," he retorts playfully with a wink. "I listened to it while you were speaking with Shadowheart and Karlach. The tune made me think of you."

"How so?" You asked, unconsciously clutching the gift to your chest.

"The tune. It's a lullaby, right?" You nod. "It... made me feel safe."

You stow away his gift gently in your pack before walking up to him, closing the distance between the two of you. You press a kiss on either side of his cheeks, the corner of his lips, even planting a small peck on his nose. Astarion lets himself be loved, be doted upon, and happily sighs with your kisses.

"Thank you, my love." You murmur softly next to his pointed ear. He knows you meant it more than the gift he gave you.

Astarion takes the initiative to pull you into an actual kiss, his soft lips found themselves onto yours, making his affection for you known. It isn't lustful, needy, nor desperate. It is full of sweet fondness, as if to tell you: "Thank you, for cradling my heart so gently."

When you part, a soft blush rises to your cheeks and Astarion delights in it. A smile stretches across his face, his eyes are open and happy. He's happy.

All too soon, you both hear the loud creaking of the door, as if the two women were warning you of their presence. Astarion's pointy ears perk up and he turns his head towards the direction of the entrance.

"Hate to ruin a beautiful moment, but we have Bhaal cultists to murder." Shadowheart says, feigning snarkiness.

"Of course," you reply, and Astarion almost expects you to leave his side immediately but you don't. You intertwine your hands in his as your companions lead the way outside of Mayrina's basement. For that, he's thankful.

There is still so much to do before you are able to face the Elder Brain. You have to track down the Bhaal cultists' lair and kill Orin to get her Netherstone. You still have to blow up the Steelwatch Foundry in order to kill Lord Enver Gortash.

Gods, Shadowheart still needs to find her parents. And, apparently, you all have to ask the dragon Ansur for aid.

Despite the stresses of what may come tomorrow, you and Astarion are thankful for little moments of peace like this.

"What say you, my darling?" Astarion asks sickenly sweetly, placing a guiding hand on your hip. His tone earns a fond groan from your two other companions, making you chuckle.

"How can I say no to a good murder?"

Astarion sighs wistfully. "Indeed, a woman after my own heart."

Karlach gags, dramatically clutching her stomach as she hurls forward.

"It's too fucking sweet! I'm gonna be sick!"

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