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Name: Y/n Keiko Rose.
Nickname: Korean Goddess.
Age in Earth: 42.
Age in Remnant: 21.
Birth world: Earth.
Birth country: Seoul, Korea.
Date of birth: July 7, 1903.
Eye color: Silver(left eye was covered by a medical eyepatch due to her left eye was bruised and bloody).
Hair color: Lightish gray.
Conditions for her left eye: She was injured in her left eye during the fight against the enemy who invaded Korea, she was later healed, but her left eye remains intact but still bruised and bloody and never goes away, and stays like it forever, but once she blink her eye she does not feel no pain from the bruises and bloody on her left eye.
Mother: Summer Rose(status: alive).
Father: Neo Kat(status: alive til his death in assassination).
Stepfather: Tai(status: alive).
Uncle: Qrow Branwen(status: alive).
Aunt: Raven Branwen(status: alive).
Half sisters: Ruby Rose ans Yang Xiao Long(status: alive).
Sister: Neo(status: alive).
Love interest: Unknown.
Occupation: Korean soldier.
Old rank: Lieutenant General.
Current rank: Leader of all of Korea.
Sexuality: Straight.
Gender: Male.
Language spoke: English(half of the time), Korean.
Citizenship: Korean.
Race: Korean.
Species: Human.

Personality: Unknown

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Personality: Unknown.

Likes: Classified.

Hates: Classified.

Quotes: Revenge and violence is never the answer, but peace and harmony is the answer.

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